Chapter 4

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Yesterday, Hyakuya Yuichiro unable to sleep since he can't get his mind off from the event tomorrow.

Today, he's got all prepared and wear the best thing he got. He made sure to not looking awkward with classy suit he doesn't even fit with, but he doesn't want him to looks unappealing either. His green t-shirt with black and gray hoodie became his choice.

The air is still cold, refreshing, and calming, giving him more composed mind to prepare the day. He originally want to go with his bike, but he realize that he might get late. Sanguinem located below Kyoto, and they need to traveled few hours to reach Tokyo, not counting the traffic jam. So to do the travel, they agree to use the train instead.

He start the journey six and reach Sanguinem about three hours later at nine. He realize that he might be bit too soon for the date, but surely it's better early than late. When he reach the train stop, he continue to walk until he reach the outskirt of Sanguinem. On the top, the view of the distant horizon is beautiful with cloudy sky and blue ocean illuminated by the sunlight. The air is still cold, and the white puff of his breath is seen.

Yuu's eye widened at the sight of the small vampire that await him, sitting down toward the cliff while his long beautiful hair wave around by the morning wind. It's a beautiful sight. "Oh? You're arrived already?" Asura turn around and spoke softly, which made Yuu blushed. "Damn, he looks so angelic..." He thought.

"I... Yes, I rather come early than getting you waiting. You're up early too. The plan suppose to be around ten." He stuttered a bit, but finally could ease on as he speak. Asura stroke his cheek. "Truth to be told, I can't sleep last night. I'm too excited for the date- I mean, the day." He quickly correcting himself, seems to be really flustered as he accidentally called it a "date". Yuu can't help but surprised, the word get him right on the spot. Does he think it's a date as well? He's both happy, but also get really nervous now.

"Ahhh... Y-yeah! I can't sleep as well!" He awkwardly laugh, and the same thing with Asura. It help melt the ice between them, and situation got rather more casual now.

Asura smiled and approached him "So, ready for it?" He extend his hand to Yuu. The raven one were not only nervous, but also didn't expect for him to ask him for that. Yes, he ask him to held his hand as they walk together. However, the beautiful sight with the mesmerizing atmosphere of the sunrise made it so romantic, he simply can't resist it and extend his hand as well, accepting his hand. "Of course!" He smiled happily, ready for it.

They walked together down the hill, and Yuu can see the excitement in Asura's face since it's been a long time since he walk anywhere out Sanguinem. Whenever he had a mission to fulfill, they always go with vehicle directly from Sanguinem. The walking was smooth and the road isn't so crowded. However, once they reach the downtown, there are many cars and people passing by. Asura was more than fascinated with him turning his face everywhere to observe everything. Being a vampire that live for centuries, the latest growth of technology must be pretty amazing for him.

"Humanity already grow so far, and it's just been ten years!" He smile wide as he turn to Yuu, that can only smile back weakly. "Ten years is long enough for us to made lots of progress. So, it's been ten years since you're out of Sanguinem?" He ask back, and Asura shook his head. "I go out about three years ago, but just for a short mission to another vampire city. The last time I able to observe humanity from such close proximity on big cities is ten years ago. Even so, I was inside a car at that time." He explained his past visit to Yuu, which were listening carefully, especially since he's curious about him too.

After all the chat and walk, they reach the train station to ride the Japanese bullet train, also known as Shinkansen. It's a commonly-used mass public transport in Japan. There were so many people there, but it's not overload to the point of crammed, and luckily the two able to reserve some seat instead of standing there. Yuu was happy seeing how Asura's face get all bright and excited ever since he entered the train, as if he never had one, and probably actually never does.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2019 ⏰

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