Chapter Five: Stranger yet Familiar

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They reached the pavilion with just 10 minutes of walking and before they enter he dared to look back, he can see on his peripheral view that Mr. Garcia entered first, and he is stunned to see Sarah walking just not far away from him, focus on her tracks while carrying his daughter whose now asleep.

While she’s walking, all he can do is stare, admire and miss her more. As soon as she’s just steps away from him, she stopped and Nilda walked towards him.

He saw her unconsciously rubbed the back of his daughter, like a mother does when the baby cringed on her sleep, and it melts his heart. He always remembered how his Sarah is on their daughter. She is really a perfect mom. He sometimes told her that she is much better than his own mom. He smile remembering how he got slapped by her once those words came out from his mouth.

“Sir, she’s not ma’am Sarah. I’m sorry but our Sarah died long time ago.” He heard the whispered of Nilda who is now already standing on his side.

Died long time ago? Heh. Well, for me, she’s not. He wanted to shout that but he can’t. What can he do, everyone around him had moved on but him. And it’s really hard for him to moved on. Someone had told him that time can heal, that time will always help someone to move on. But hell, it’s been 2 years and he still feels everything like in the past. The love, longing, pain, regrets, everthing, he can still feel it. The intensity didn’t even lessen.

He felt a nudge on his side, it somewhat wakes him up on his silent sentimental. He composed himself and tried to focus, he looked ahead where Sarah stands, and she is looking back at him weirdly.

He fake coughed and step forward. He wanted to ran towards her but he used all his strength not to. For now, the least that he wants is to scare her. He doesn’t want to see the terrified look again from her.

He stop from his tracks when he saw her attempting to step backward.

Shit! I scared her. He mentally kicked his self.

“I’m .. um. I’m just going to get Grace.” He tried to utters. Well, all he can do is stammer on her front, who would be? The only woman that he love so much is standing just steps away from him.

She is not your wife! His mind protested. Your Sarah is already dead. Just wake up, Gerald.

He sighed.

He tried to step forward again, silently wishing that she won’t ran away from him, and at the same time he is convincing himself that his eyes are just tricking him. That he is seeing his wife just because he missed her badly, and that this woman standing just steps away from him is not his wife because his wife is already .. then he shook his head left and right.

My wife is not dead, she will never leave me. His mind desperately reminded him.

Then before he knows it, he is already standing just a step away from her. Then he took this opportunity to be mesmerized again by the woman whose just staring back at him, with expressionless and vigilant face.

Maybe she is thinking that I’m insane. Well, I think Iam.

He knitted his brows and tried to used his brain for the first time since he saw her. Yes, just now, he realized that all he do is jump on her, well not literally but still.

Yeah, right. That’s the reason why she is like this. What the hell did I do? I grabbed her and hugged her tightly. I’m thankful that she didn’t shout or atleast call for help.

He sighed.

How on earth she looks like my Sarah? Wait, yeah right. My eyes are still kidding me.

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