Chapter 1- The disaster

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I wake up in the hotel, my family and I had left for a vacation yesterday so i still had jet lag. We had flown in and landed around midnight. We had been planning this vacation for a couple years ago for spring break. Now being spring break, we can finally go. I shared a bed with my still sleeping sister. Who after finding out about us going, had bragged all about it to her friends. She looked beautifully innocent. The way her face looked, in the barely light room. She was so young and looks so pure, it felt hard leaving her.  As i get up i try not to wake anyone up, which is hard to do when your twelve year old sister is a very light sleeper. The pops of my toes when i walk wakes her up.

"Tess, why are you up so early?" She lifts her head slightly as her eyes crack open. Ever sense she was born, we couldn't be separated. We couldn't be pulled apart. So this is when her sister instincts kicked in. We have done everything together, even brushing our teeth. We were 4 years apart, but we didn't let that stop us from doing anything.

I freeze in my steps and cock my head towards her, "Isabella, please go back to sleep. I cant sleep any longer. I'm going to go to breakfast down stairs, i don't think my stomach likes the silent treatment." I giggle, not wanting to wake anyone else. Then remembering how I slept through the plane ride and forgot to eat dinner. She lays back down and I check the clock. The time may have been six thirty but it definitely felt like it was only four.

On my down stairs I made sure that my long black hair wasn't messy, which of course it was so i put it up in a messy bun. My hair is naturally straight, but this morning it was frizzy from curling it yesterday. I had thrown on some sweats and a loose t-shirt as I do when I feel lazy to put actual clothes on. I made sure I took a room key, for when I come back so I'm not locked out. I follow the signs from the main office to the diner. It was through a dark hallway that made me feel weird about walking down. The table I sat at had a t.v. set up next to it, with the news on. I don't like watching the news, because it bores me. So I set my purse down where I was sitting so i could go get some food on the buffet counter.

I look around at the food, and most of it was unhealthy food. And I try my hardest to stay healthy. So I grab a donut, yogurt, and some toast then some apple juice and sit down. For feeling so hungry i don't eat much. When I finish I watch the t.v. as i wait for my family to make it down to breakfast. As i watch the news, i sip my apple juice. I check the clock and it was almost seven twenty, hopefully my family would be down soon. I watch the flow of people coming in and out. In this moment I don't expect chaos to happen.

The lights start to flicker, making my eyes search the room, and I see Isabella walk in. Because the sun hadn't risen, when the lights go out the room falls dark. I get up slowly and call for her, having a struggle to see through the darkness. A couple of seconds later i feel her reaching for me and i pull her into a hug. Her breathes were short and choppy, and she starts to shake. I try to calm her "Issy, the lights will come back on in a minute. We will be fine! Where are mom and dad?"

We get the table i was sitting at and sit down. She starts to calm down. "They are still in the room, they were just getting up and I told them that I was going to be down to breakfast with you. I just wanted to make sure they got up before I came down." She is still hugging me, which is fine by me. I hate the dark, you never know what could happen without seeing it. I see something shaking and notice that its the t.v. The light of it was shaking, and then I realize why. Issy was crying so hard that she was shaking both of us. The screen of the t.v. slowly comes back to life and the news is still on.

The news channel was broadcasting a reporter scarcely talking about the government shutting down everything. What does that even mean? You can tell that she's no longer wants to be working, and by the way she's talking, it looks like shes forced to still be talking. I just want to know who is doing that to her, I think to myself.

Then she goes into a brief explanation of how the government shut down all funding for everything. Shutting down everything running all of America, the country will be its own independent. Hence the reason why the power went out. She also said that after the t.v. goes out that the government will be gone and so will be the President, congress, etc. "More details will be out soon, so stay tuned in." She says before the screen turns off. Why is this happening? The silence in the air about kills me when the screen comes on and shows streets in different cities going crazy. Everyone running to places, running out of stores hands full of food. And killing. People fighting, over food, fighting about anything really. Who in their right minds would let this happen? I think to myself as I feel Issy shaking more as she cry's. And before I knew it, everyone had already left the room.

Is this it? The end of America? No. This cant be it... or is it?

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