Chapter 3- What?

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        By the time we get home from the drive my mom takes Issy to the kitchen to make us a snack. I take all the bags into the house and notice that we have new members moving in. And i wonder if they know whats going on. Do all states know whats going on? I try not to freak myself out too much by the thought, so i walk over to them to introduce myself.

        "Hello, my name is Tess" i say to them when i make it over to the house next to mine. They stop walking and look at me funny at first.

        "Hello, we are the Jones." The dad says and sets a box down and so does the boy next to him. And that's when i realized how hot his son was. He looked about my age and had the cutest dimples. "You can call me Jason and my sons name," he points to his cute son "and this is Bruno."

        "Hey Jason and Bruno." i smile to both of them then cut to short talk. "So what happened to the people who lived here before, do you know? I live just next door." I try not to sound weird but i don't think it work.

        "We don't know... we just bought this house and they didn't tell us." Jason said picking up the box again.

        "We just got back from California, so whats been happening here?" i try not to laugh at my self.

        "Well we will soon be falling into the system of The Sections. They have taken over everything and everything has been changing. Soon our lives will be different." he looks a little bummed but whats that suppose to mean? By his reaction, i could tell he had heard this a while ago. He had already accepted the new Sections. i try to ask him more questions but all he tells me is to check the news because they stopped broadcasting live and just kept their video playing on repeat.

        I hurry home and go to the kitchen and turn on the TV to watch the news. When i go to change the station i notice that there is only one station and that's it. The video that plays has creepy music playing in the background and their are slides of pictures of war going on. Then a women comes onto the screen. She announces The Section and how they will take over the country and she sounds unsure but i can tell that she means all of it because she explains why the power went out everywhere.

        The power went out because they rebooted the Internet to their standards. So there is no more Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc. Their is only their website that you can go onto to learn more about or to enter your information to be assigned to your Section. You will have to go back onto it every week to see your newly added Sections or to request new ones.These changes will be active within a month when everyone has go on and entered their part and an official has come to your current home and corrected any information and confirming it also.

        When each week passes we will have to follow our selection assignments or we fall farther down the ranks. When we pass them we will move up, but only if someone higher than us has fallen. She explains how this is all a good thing and i just shake my head.

        I look around and notice that my mom and sister had been watching with me, which I'm glad because i don't want to have to explain this to them because i don't understand this myself. When she finished explaining all that ranks i go to my computer and enter in all my information. My sister and mom do the same after me and i just think to myself "How could this happen? And how could my father help with all of this? I don't know but if i ever see him again, ill never speak to him again."

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