Chapter 8 - Ceremonial Assignment

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Today. Today is the official day I will be "assigned" to Bruno. After we had breakfast there was a knock but I refused to get up and Bruno answered the door. He came back with an envelope that looked gold and fancy but it wasn't. It looked like it was just an invitation to mine and Bruno's wedding. But we now have to call it a Ceremonial Assignment. I don't like that name, but if it keeps me from saying I'm married, then I should be good.

On the back it said that they invited 20 people to attend and Bianca will be there to witness it. I don't want her there. But who did they invite to this? I can't think of even 5 people that I want to see there. I only want me Mom and Sophia to be there. That's it. If they aren't there, I don't know what ill do.

"Are you ready?" I ask Bruno, who looks nervous and I can see him shake. I felt nervous too and I started to wonder if he could tell that I was shaking too.

"Yeah, I mean, I knew this day was coming but it just seems unreal how fast it came. A little too fast if you ask me but I'm fine with it." He starts to act more confident. His shaking stopped and he smiled at me. "What about you?"

I nod and consider an answer "I'm really nervous. Who do you think they invited? I really hope i get to see my mom and sister there." I we both went and sat on the couch again but this time he was holding my hand.

"My family, I have a big family. I hope I get to see them. All my cousins and Aunts and Uncles. I hope they all come." He smiles and kisses my hand.

His lips were so soft, and so gentle. His warmth felt so good on my skin, he was like the sun. I would lay outside all day just to felt the suns warmth. But with him I feel it instantly. If this was forever, I'd take it in a heart beat.

We sit there. For what feels like forever but may have only been an hour. Which is when we had to leave for our "Ceremonial Assignment." Bianca came and picked us up, and drove us there. The drive took about half an hour. She took us to the Capitol building and as we were going through the front doors an other couple was walking out. They looked terrible. The girl looked about 18 but the man looked like he was in his late 20's. Did they even care what the age difference was? Or did they just pair people off without even checking who they were assigning people.

They took us to our different rooms to get ready. The whole building looked made out of marble stone, like it was just one big stone and they just carved out what they wanted in the building and then just left it there. They had paintings on the ceiling, they looked weird and I wondered why they had them there, I hated staring up because it hurts my neck which is what I was doing. I massaged my neck as I walked into my room and I saw the big puff ball of a dress that I ordered. It definitely looked prettier in the picture.

The dress was white, but seemed to have a little tint of pink on it. Like they accidently washed it with a red sock. Which with my luck, that's what they did. It was sleeveless, and tight at the top. The top looked like a heart, then the bottom looked like 100 ducks died for this one dress. White feathers everywhere. They helped me get it on then did my hair and makeup. They made my makeup look natural even though I feel like i have 1000 pounds of makeup on my face. Then put half my hair up and curled the rest.

When I looked in the mirror it looked like someone else was standing and I had to push them out of the way. I looked taller, they had me wearing 4 inch heels. I looked pretty, and I felt lucky for some reason. I let it settle because I know it wont last long, and I needed a chance to feel anything but scared, or lost. I felt lucky, so I showed off my luck smile and I wore it proud.

Once everyone was done getting me ready they left claiming they were getting my area ready for my "Ceremonial Assignment." Which I felt was just a load of crap but I wanted them gone so I let them leave. When they left I felt lonely.

When I'm lonely I tend to cry but I can't do that now, so then I choose to do something else. Something I hadn't done in a long time. Sing.

He said let's get out of this town

Drive out of the city

Away from the crowds

I thought heaven can't help me now

Nothing lasts forever

But this is gonna take me down

He's so tall, and handsome as hell

He's so bad but he does it so well

I can see the end as it begins my one condition is

Say you'll remember me

Standing in a nice dress, staring at the sunset babe

Red lips and rosy cheeks

Say you'll see me again even if it's just in your wildest dreams (Ah ah)

Wildest dreams (Ah ah)

"Tess, are you ready?" I hear someone knock after I finished singing.

I clear my throat and wipe the tear that was rolling down my cheek. "Yeah one second." Sophia Loved that song, she use to sing Taylor Swift songs up and down the hall. This one was my favorite one to hear her sing. We use to sing it together, and now I just hope she's here today to see me and so I could see her.

A man in one of the body armor suits opens the door to escort me. He holds onto my arm and walks me to a spiral of stairs and they had a red carpet placed in the middle of the stair. It made me walking up the stairs faster. They didn't have music playing, he just walked me straight to Bruno. He was standing in a all white suit but a circled railing that you could over look the floor below the one we were on. The room was a circle and I looked around at the guests and I saw two familiar faces. My mom and my sister. They were here and that's all I asked for. I smiled at them but they were both already smiling.

Izzy waved to me, not noticeable to anyone else. She kept her hand in her lap and to anyone else it looked like she was trying to push away a fly. But to me it was a wave. I was so happy to see them here. I didn't notice anyone else, so Bruno was right. His family was here. I was jealous of him. He had his family here, he had his extended family here. I had mine too but I just had 2 people out of 20. He got to see them, he probably got to talk to them as they waited for me. And that thought killed me.

No, not that thought. It was who I just saw. I saw his face in the corner. I quickly looked back at Bruno, I couldn't look at that man any longer. Bruno looked happy and I tried to do the same. After the Ceremony ended everyone had to leave before us. But he didn't leave. He stood there and waited. We started to leave as he left the shadow of a hidden doorway. He was more clear now and I felt the urge to run. But i didn't. He walked towards us but I started to walk faster and with Bruno holding my hand he stayed at my pace. And so did my father.

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