Chapter 5 - Worthless Cries

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We are walking down a street that I've only seen in a car, the weather was nice and warm. The cold crisp of a soon coming winter was seeping in. He wasn't holding my hand anymore, although I was he was. I knew that it would just be weird, but was it weird that, that's what I wanted? He doesn't say anything, I steal peaks at him. He's gorgeous, dark hair, he has a five o'clock shadow and it looks good on him. He's bright blue eyes dart up and down the street as if he is looking for some secret hideout for him to run and hide in.

He stops without warning, reaching out and pulling my off of the road. He drags me behind a well hidden tree and I feel his breath on my neck. His breath is heavy and labored. I looked up at him, he had pushed my back into the large tree with his body pressed up against mine. No space in between, what was he so worried about?

"What the hell dude" I feel the need to shout at him but then he covers my mouth.

"shhhhhhh up! Someones following us."

Just then I hear two people walking up the street, they aren't too far away I hear there voices but they aren't close enough to hear what they are saying. But I can guess that they figured out that we turned down the street because we hear them start to jog and give up close to the street.

"Should we keep going? I think we lost them." I hear one of them say, but I guessing hes overweight because even that short jog got him out of breath.

"Knuckle head! Of course we do! We have orders to follow Tess everywhere she goes. Don't you remember? That's our bosses daughter and we can't just lose the future of our country. She is the heir of our new country. And if we come back empty handed again, they will kill us because we know too much!"

I moved to run over to them but Bruno stops me. I want to scream. Why did they have to follow me, where is my dad. Why do they think that i'll be the next heir? Heir of our country? No... my dad isn't the president or something. Is He? I have so many questions and I could tell Bruno knew that. They started running again and then they were gone. Bruno just stares at me.

I push him off of me and I take deep breathes. What is going on? I feel like running after them  and questioning them. Why wouldn't Bruno let me? I pace back and forth and Bruno just watched me biting his nails. I want to know why he wouldn't let me talk to them. Why did he hold me back?

"Why do you have a lower number then me?"

He stares at me for a good minute before answering. "I don't know. They do it randomly." he pauses knowing that its not the answer I was wanting. "They know my family pretty well." His face goes pale. And he turns and starts to walk to the street slowly checking to make sure they weren't coming back.


"How what?" He looks back at me confused.

"How do they know you, and who?"

"Trust me, you don't want to know." He gets to the street and waves for me to follow him.

"But I do want to know. I know nothing and everyone is acting weird around me! I feel scared. For once in my life im scared for me, and my family!" I feel the tears coming. Why am I going to cry over this? I feel pathetic that's how I feel.

He walks back to me and hugs me. It feel weird but normal, and comforting. "Its going to be ok. But we need to get you home. Soon before anyone notices that your gone." He grabs my hand again and pulls me to the road again and lets go after I follow him back home.

When I get home, Bruno leaves me by my door to go home too. I go in and my mom stands there stunned. "Whats wrong?" I almost want to giggle because I was in such a good mood from being with Bruno.

"Where have you been?" her voice was so soft it was almost a whisper.

"I was just out for a walk with Bruno. The nice boy next door." I said with a smile, which is more then what she is giving me.

Her face was like it was stone, white and stiff. "they came."

I was more confused. "What are you talking about?"

"They started the changing. And they took your sister. She is being taken to the state that use to be Georgia. They were looking for you... they said if you reject they will kill you. And you were gone. They ran after you."

By then I was panicking. Where are they now? Would they still kill me because they couldn't find me? "when will they be back?"

"Any minute now. Pack up, I'm the only one staying. But I heard you're not going far." She sits down more calm knowing that she got to at least see me before I was gone.

I leave her for a minute and grab a big suit case that I still had packed from the vacation and stuffed more clothes and some more important things in it and took it to the living room where my mom still stood. I put the suit case by the door and hug my mom. She stays stiff but I surround her with warmth. She start to sniffle and I know shes crying. She just lost her only two children, and she cant do anything about it. But its not as bad, knowing that we aren't dead. We are still alive, but we might as well be dead. That would be better news to her then shipping us off to different places in this world without her. She is crushed. But I cant do anything about it, and I heard the doorbell.

"There here." She says between her cries.

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