Ch 1 ~ PUNK

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"I've gotta rule the world like you do, I wanna break the chains inside you, I wanna flee the world with you... make me a pawn in your stupid love game, all the sammmme" People are screaming. Lights are flashing in your face. It's perfect, it's perfect. Get out the anger. Get out the heartbreak. You don't need anyone or anything as long as you can scream...

"Hell, that was a good show!" Darlene, your guitarist, says as you guys are leaving the stage for the dressing rooms. Some lady gave you a rose and you're holding it to your heart.

"I knowww, doesn't it make you feel so alive?" You ask her as you go to the room to change out of your ripped up purple and black dress. You change into black jeans and a ripped shirt, your idea of comfort, and run your hands through your short (y hair color) hair. You reflect to the time when you'd decided to cut it and grinned. Your parents weren't pleased. They're never pleased.

"SOOOOOO GREAT!" Lennox, your drummer, is yelling. You grin at her. "I mean gees those people barely look at me their eyes were all on y/n but still it makes me feel so alive!" You giggle, blushing at her compliment.

"Hey, I'm sure everyone is in it for the drummer!" You wink at her.

"Whatever. Anyway, you ladies want to go for some drinks?" She asks.

"That's a definite!" Arianna, or Ari the bassist, says while peeking in from the hall. She always wears leather and tank tops. It doesn't matter much what anyone expects of her. Lennox almost always wears ripped jeans and a t-shirt of some sort (wearing a dress as a drummer is totally a no-no) while Darlene is unpredictable with her clothes. Tonight, she was wearing a shimmery silver dress. In a punk band! She's crazy. But you totally dig it.

"We can leave soon, just have to get my stuff packedddddd..." You say, throwing all your clothes and items into your duffel bag.

"Yeah, we got to take them out to the van. Gimme a second..." Ari says as she packs her stuff up as well.

You all take your clothes out and throw them into the back of your red Chevy van. It's old, but it sure works. You walk back in as the man from the bar is walking out.

"Okay, come back tomorrow and we'll discuss payment for tonight. Wow, you guys stole the show..." He is talking about money. You should pay attention but that's more of Darlene's job anyways. Besides, someone has caught your eye. A punk-dressed tough looking guy walking down the road... he looks over and grins at you. Yep, he's definitely hot. You smile and laugh. Guess you still have the adrenaline rush from the concert. He laughs a little too and points across the street at a pub. You nod and hold up a finger to indicate "wait a minute".

"Hey girls are we going to that bar?" You totally just interrupted their conversation. You make an uncomfortable face.

"Yeah, we were just finishing our conversation..." The man says.

"Alright! Let's get this night started!" Lennox says. She is laughing. Ari is shaking her head at you. You know that she saw the guy.

Punk Love - A Corey Taylor x Reader Fanfic Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now