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"Sorry again about that guy..." you tell the guy at the bar. "So who are you exactly?" You ask, laughing awkwardly.

"I'm Corey. Corey Taylor. Glad to meet you." He smirks at you over his drink. "And what is your name?"

"My name is Y/N." You smile at him. Corey. He has a hot name.

The two of you continue talking and the conversation turns to music you two are into. You are okay with this, you love talking about music. The music he likes is such a variety, the two of you have some favorite bands in common. You didn't mention punk, just rock and metal. He did the same. You took him as a hard rocker who may not be that into your favorite genre...

You also look over to see your friends have found some guys to talk to. This night rules!

You think about telling him about the band you are in but don't want to embarrass yourself. He never asked what you did and you didn't ask him what he did. The two of you simply talked about music and the area all evening, realizing he grew up in Iowa. You knew that was nearby where you and the band were now, playing a gig in Illinois.

Eventually Darlene, drunken and slurry, walks up to you saying "Lessss leave, those guys were rude ashholes... But I taught them I did! Drink to the face, high five!" She gestures for a high five and you hesitate. Corey gives her one, grinning.

"Heyyyyy who are you cutie?" Wow. Darlene must be reallllly drunk.

"Spiderman." You giggle.

"Oh my goshhh that's ..." You have no clue what she was going to say. She is looking off into the distance.

"You'd better take care of your friends." Corey is smirking at you. "May I have your number? We could meet up again sometime soon if you'd like." You write it on a napkin and slide it over to him.

"It was very nice to meet you." He gets up, kisses your cheek and walks out. You watch him leave desirously. He even walks in such a hot way...

Lennox didn't drink tonight, bless her, so she is your band's driver. You're sitting in the back when Ari calmly asks you who that "metal dude" was you were talking to. You answer her the best way you can, rambling on accident. She laughs.

"Ok, so he's your new boy toy? You meeting up after this?" You blush.

"Of course not..." You try to answer defensively.

"Yessssss he issssss" Darlene is saying. She's teasing you but she's the one drunk as ever. You throw a pick at her and she throws a pillow at you. It ends up being a fight among the band in the back of the van and you're all giggling as Lennox pulls into a rest area parking lot to sleep for the night. She lies on the bench seat in the front until Darlene drunkenly commands her to lie down with the rest of the band. It is quite crowded but comfortable. You have to move some speakers and amps to the front seat but it works out okay and you're all asleep soon.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 04, 2017 ⏰

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