I haven't written this in a while, I kind of just thought I should try to add more. No one really read this story and I don't blame people because it's kind of awful. I'll try to make the chapters longer and better, enjoy.
Two weeks later Mr.gilinsky pov:
I watched my students look at me begrudgingly as I start to talk about writing essays. I tell them that we are writing informational essays and they all groan. "Yeah I know they aren't very fun but this time you get to pick any topic you want to" I thought that might make them hate me less, I was wrong. I continue to talk when I overhear a conversation between y/n and your average teen fuck boy "Hey y/n, what are you doing later today?" I heard Andrew whisper to y/n "I don't think I'm doing anything, maybe hanging out with my friend but that's about it, why?" I heard her respond. At this point I had lost track of where I was teaching "I wanted to know if you wanted to come to a party tonight" "Excuse me Andrew, y/n hate to stop your little chat but I was kind of hoping you could join the class" I said. I had no idea why I said that I just got weirdly jealous when I heard him ask her out. "Sorry" they say in unison, the bell rings shortly after that and the students leave quickly, All except for y/n. She walks up to my desk and starts to apologize for talking. "Look y/n it's fine really, all students talk during class it's normal." I say "Okay yes I know that but I really like having all my teachers enjoy me so I can't have you not liking me for talking in class" she stutters "I could never not like you, your one of my favorite students" "I know you told me already" she says looking at her shoes "Oh yeah about that, just disregard that whole conversation we had. I wasn't in the right head space" I lie. I completely meant everything I said that day, I know she was my student but I feel drawn to her. I really like her even though that is certifiably insane. "And what if I don't want to?" She asks looking up into my eyes, I step closer to her leaving only an inch between us "I really don't want you to have to but you do" I bit my lip and stepped back resting on my desk. She looks up at me innocently bitting her lip and smiling then turns around and walks out the door. God this girl will be the death of me.
Y/n pov: When I woke out of the classroom I see Andrew leaning against the door waiting for me. "Hey y/n wait up, I never heard your answer about being my date to this party" he smirks, Andrew is a huge fuck boy but he was really cute "Seeing as I'm already going with friends I guess I could meet you there" I draw out like I'm thinking about it still. He gives me his number then I go to my car to meet up with my two closest friends. "Did I just see you taking to Andrew?" Y/f asks "He asked me to be his date to the party tonight" I say getting into the car "But your going with us" y/f states "I'm meeting him there" The rest of the ride home just consisted of scream singing to Shawn Mendesand laughing about something that had happened in math class. We ended up getting ready at my house and doing makeup in the basement bathroom since it was the biggest. I wore ripped jeans and a cute gray crop top with white sneakers.
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I wasn't really sure how I felt about going with Andrew seeing as he's kind of a fuck boy but the fact that it made mr. Gilinsky mad made me want to do it. Ever since our conversation I've thought about him a lot. I mean I completely understand that he's my teacher and that's super illegal and kind of gross. But he's just so damn sexy that I don't really care sometimes. I don't necessarily want to date him but I definitely like teasing him and making him jealous. Does that make me a bad person? "Oh hey guys we should probably get out of here if we want to be home at a reasonable time" one of you're friends say. I check the time and she was right so we all pile into the car and head to the party. Okay the party will be next chapter, we'll also maybe see mr. Gilinskys reaction to her going out with Andrew.