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Ohh look at that picture of an angry Gilinsky, I'm pretty excited to see how he will react to y/n going on a date.
Y/n pov:
I wake up to my alarm blaring at 6:30 with a throbbing headache. I was still kind of hung over for the weekend and so I felt like horrible. I jump out of bed and put on a simple outfit look, did my hair and makeup, then went down stairs.
"Morning mama" I say as she greets me in the kitchen
"Oh hi honey" she hugs me "have a good day at school" she says before I grab a banana and leave for school.
Me and my mom are pretty close so we usually have more of a conversation in the mornings but I wasn't feeling it today. I find a good spot when I get to school and go inside.
"Y/n!!!" Y/f/n yells
"Ow please don't yell" I whine
"Still hungover" she laughs loudly
"You're a bully" I shove her lightly
The day was exhausting and my head felt like it was gonna explode by the time I got to English class. We were working on our essays for most of the class period so it wasn't to bad.
"Oh y/n I never ended up telling you about what happened on Friday" Andrew whispers to me,
"Oh dear god! How bad was it" I respond
"It was actually a lot of fun, drunk y/n is a hoot" he chuckles "any way you took like 6 shots then started dancing on a table, you tried to take you're shirt off at one point but I stopped you"
"Andrew! I did what? Thank you for stopping that!" I say a bit too loudly
"Y/n could you keep it down a bit" mr. Gilinsky says passive aggressively
"Of course sorry" I apologize, "what happened after that?" I ask Andrew
"Well we ended up in a weird part of Matt's yard with a garden and we made out for like 20 minutes, it was a good time we should do it again" this time Andrew was the one who was talking to loudly.
"Andrew would you please move" mr. Gilinsky said, by this point he looked beyond petty and jealous he looked pissed.
At the end of the class I say goodbye to Andrew and to y/b/n and go to talk to the teacher.
"Sorry about talking in class today" I said hoping he wasn't actually mad, he didn't look up from his papers
"You don't need to apologize every time you talk in class y/n it's getting kind of annoying, all kids do it."
"Do you mind me asking, are you alright?" I asked
"Fantastic." He almost yelled passive aggressively
I flinched and my head start to pound again,
"Okay? Whatever" I say walking away
"No " I hear him say as I got to the door, I turn back around.
"What?" I ask
"You asked if I was alright, my answer is no. No I'm not fucking alright! I know I shouldn't cuss in front of my students but I also shouldn't be attracted to one, or get jealous when they go out to parties with douche guys named Andrew. So no I'm not fucking alright" he sighs.
"You're pretty good at this you know?" I pause before saying "you never fail to take my breath away with you're romantic speeches. But I think it's my turn, and it's not gonna be like you're I'm just gonna say, I should be going on so many more dates with douche guys named Andrew and I shouldn't be attracted to my teacher but something about you makes me feel butterflies." He looks at me and his face curls up into a smile.
"And for what it's worth I think jealous You is super hot" I wink before leaving the room.
A/n Im really sad at how short this chapter is

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