Disillusion → h.s au

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Disappointment resulting from the discovery that something is not as good as one believed it to be.

As I sat in the worn down, dusty old jail cell I inspected the filthy place because there isn't really anything better to do. The bricks on the walls were chipped and the paint was slowing peeling off. The wooden bench on which I sat on brought splinters into my pants every which way I positioned myself. That little toilet that they have in the corner of the room smelled so bad I wanted the throw up.

To think we are in the year 2045, they upgraded phones, social media and hair dryers but they couldn't think to upgrade these jail cells. They look so... 2014.

I turned my head straight looking directly at those metal bars. The cold hard metal that taunt's me every second I'm in this hell hole people call prison. Those bars are the only thing keeping me away from the freedom I would love. I don't even know why I am even In this place.

One of the guards walked into the room with a stack of papers in his hand. He then walked to the lone desk just to the right of my cell placing the papers on the desk then sitting in the chair right in front of it.

I stood up and ran up to the bars. "Hey!" I shouted at the man. He looked up from his paper work and answered in one plain old dry word that has been worn out by mankind since time began. "What?"

Rolling my eyes at his very unpleasant response I continued to what I was going to say. "Care to tell me what I, Stephanie Hastings and she's a 19 year old girl college student is doing behind bars?" He didn't even look up from the papers all he said was "You know what you did." "Well if I did know what I did, why would I be asking you to tell me 'Bob'?"

Bob pushed the chair away from the table and rose up from the seat. He then staggered his was to my cell and leaned up against the wall and faced towards me. I placed my hand on my hip and awaited for him to speak.

"Firstly, my name isn't "Bob" it's Niall. Secondly your in here because you committed a serious crime." "But what crime you-" Dylan cut me off before I could finish. "Could you wait, I was getting to that." He then took in a deep breath. "You were caught with a time machine which has been illegal since the end of 2051." Wait. Did he just say 2051. My eyes went wide "What year is it?" "Um, 2053"

"2053, you must be joking." I shouted. "Are you feeling alright?"

Well you must be confused. Let's start from the beginning, four years ago...

Disillusion → h.s auWhere stories live. Discover now