Chapter 35

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Im so sorry that this took me so long to post. This was one of those chapters when I deleted and re-wrote things numerous times so please forgive me :P Also!!!!!!  this and the next chapter are kinda short so I will try to make the ones after, longer. How long do you think the chapters should be? word wise. Normally, they are 1,500 to about 2,000 sometimes bigger. Thank you!!!!!


I folded up the paper and tucked it in to my backpack. I slipped into the bathroom and calmed myself down. Taking deep breaths and clutching on to the sink. I walked out to see Landon looking around my locker and down the hall. I plastered a fake smile on my face as he hugged me. He left one of his hands draped on my shoulder as we walked to the lunch room. A group of guys sat at one of the tables and were holding a football. "AYYYY!" They call, seeing Landon and I together. Landon left my shoulder and gave them bro hugs. I just walked into the line and grabbed a tray while Landon caught up with his friends. Did I never tell you? Landon was one of the most popular guys in school. He was a jock and the kindest at that. He helped and was super nice to everyone, making everyone like him. All the girls chased after him and he always politely denied them. I found a table with my four friends on it. Sky, Jason, Will and Ava. Sky and I have been friends for a good 4 years. She and I are the closest and she was the one that delivered the pizza to my house when I was first adopted. She is the only one to know I am adopted, the others think I have a family and I am a single child. Landon remains with his friends while I drop my tray on the table, hugging Will tightly. Will is also one of my closest friends. He has been by my side through thick and thin and always has my back. Ava and Jason are newly a couple and are newer to our group. I give them hugs and sit down, looking at them all. "Hey, how were your holidays?" I ask and I get new information from all of them. Landon strolls over to me, putting his arm around me as he sets himself down next to me. "Hey Lan." They greet and he smiles at them. "Wait, are you guys...?" Sky asks. Landon gives my head a kiss while I blush and look and Sky, nodding my head softly. "Congratulations guys!" Sky says, squealing. She has wanted us to get together for a while now at its hilarious. "Can you come talk to the guys for a sec Jules?" Landon asks. I sigh, nodding my head. "Ill be back" I say,sticking my tongue out at Will who's jaw is hitting the table. "Can I tell them?" He asks before we reach them. "I don't know Lan, they will scream it at the top of their lungs." I say, hesitantly. Landon knows I don't really like his friend because they cat call me and they annoy the heck out of me. He nods his head and I realise that his is going to tell them anyway. He has his hand around my waist. We walk up the guys and they are all looking at us. There is about 10 of them and It makes me a bit skittish, having all those eyes on me. "Guys, this is my girlfriend." He says, confidently. I give a shy smile and they call start whooping and cheering. Landon's hand leaving my waist, giving them high fives while a few of them wink and smirk at me. I roll my eyes before telling Landon that Im going back to my table. I sit down before getting buzzed with questions from my friends. I laugh before answering their questions polietly. Ava and Jason ended up leaving early so that they could get their books before class. Sky, Will and I talked but something was off, I just couldn't put my finger on it. I ignored the feeling. I assumed that it would be because I haven't been at school in what feels like forever but I continue to talk to a bubbly Sky and a quiet Will. Landon sits down next to me and I smile at him, sticking a fry into his open mouth. We didn't care that we were that cringe couple that fed each other, we did that even before we were dating. It was just who we were. 

Lunch was over quickly and I had to go back to my locker to get my books. I hesitantly opened my locker see another piece of paper. I desperately want to ignore it but I opened it anyway against my brain. I open the paper and more words taunted me, somehow more hurtful then the last, if that was even possible. Tears met my eyes as I searched around to see if there is anyone around that could possibly have done this. I had a pack of tissues in my backpack that I put in yesterday so I pulled one out and whipped my running make up residue from under my puffy eyes. "Hey, you ready?" Landon says, surprising me as I put the tissue back down. "Yeah." I manage to squeak out as I grab my books and shut my locker before slipping the newest note into my backpack.

 (A/N (REALLY IMPORTANT!)I don't really want to say the sort of stuff that I depict to be on the note because I don't want to hurt or trigger anyone reading. If you want to know then please comment that you do, if not, imagine the sort of names and things that might be on the notes. Also, I don't really want to swear in this book which is another reason why I haven't actually said what was on them. Thanks for understanding) 

I whipped my eyes again on my sleeve discreetly, desperately trying to hide the fact that I have been crying. "Hey, are you ok?" Landon asks, getting me to stop and look at him with a hand on my shoulder. "Yeah, Im fine!" I say, not meeting his eye contact. "Have you been crying?!" He says, look at me, trying to gain my eye contact but I don't let him. "No, I just yawned" I say, giggling as I hug him. It was the only way I could think so he couldn't see how puffy and red my eyes were. He stood their for a second until the bell went, telling us we had a few minutes to get to our next class. He pulls away from me, enough so he is still holding my hands. "You look beautiful today by the way babe." He says and I blush, looking down before keeping our hands connected until I let go, going to photography. "Ill see you after school?" He asks and I nod before slipping into my class. I get a death stare from a few girls before I come into contact with the queen of the school: Harper. 

(A/N I love the name, nothing against people with this name!)

 She has long brown hair and bright blue eyes, just like Colby. She has thick makeup on and is wearing healed boots, a crop top, jean shorts and a gucci belt with a layered gold necklace. I roll my eyes as she flips her hair and me and whispers to her friends. Hatred oozes from her when I haven't even done anything to her. She starts to laugh at something she said and she turns back to me and laughs. I roll my eyes obviously at her and walk to my desk in photography. We learn how to use the cameras that we were required to buy during the break. It was a cannon camera that had really cool settings that made the photos look so much better. I held it out in front of me, going through the settings to see what looks the best. Harper walks past me, giving me an evil smirk. I roll my eyes at her again and hear her talk to someone behind me. Kaiden, one of Landon's friends. He is one of the more flirty guys in the group towards me but I always ignored him. She was twirling her soft, chocolate hair around her finger and leaning over his desk. She was flirting with him. Of course she was. I looked through a few more settings before I moved it away again, observing the focusing through the lens. It was hit abruptly and fell on the floor, crashing into at least 6 pieces. I look up to see the thing that hit it out of my hands and sure enough, that snobby son of a gun was walking past, strutting past me and flipping her hair into my face. "What the hell Hyper. These camera cost like two hundred dollars!" I call, standing up and picking up the pieces that scattered the floor. "oopsy." She innocently giggles, twirling her hair around her finger as she walks back to her desk. What is her problem? I huff, looking at my camera to see the few pieces might be able to be fixed. Will is doing tech so he should be able to help me because he is really good at this sort of stuff. I slip out my phone and text him really quickly.

J- Juliet W- Will


J- Queen Bish just knocked came out of my hand and it broke. This cam was $200, do u think u can help?

A quick response came to my vision:

W- Yeah, will give a look. tom after school? (A/N Tom meaning tomorrow)

J-That would be amazing, thx Will ❤️

I put my phone back into my pocket before the teacher saw whilst a wave of relief washed over me. This wasn't going to be as bad as I thought it would be. But those notes... Why would someone do that to me?


Hope you have a great day! If you have any ideas, I would love to hear them. Im making a list so that I have so much motivation and excitement to write this book.

Thank you for 7K and 200 votes! Please continue to vote because... why not?!

I had a bunch of people I wanted to tag and dedicate chapters to but I didnt make a list but, next time I will. Thank you all for everything!

Stay true! <3

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