Chapter 23

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This chapter is sad so... HERE IS YOUR WARNING!

The birds chirp to awaken my from my blissful slumber. Last night was amazing. We stayed up for hours after the movie, talking about my life about all the crazy things I have done, like the little stupid things I would do when I was a child and what mischief Landon and I would get up to. This was the first time telling them about Landon. Kat and Devyn found out because of what happened at the store but otherwise, no one in my new family knows. I burry my head back into the pillow, sadness crashing over me hard like a wave. Today is the reason that I hate my birthday. I know it was yesterday but today is the 10 year anniversary of finding out the news that had not only changed my life but changed me as a person. I grab my phone and look at my memories on Facebook. A single tear trickles down my flushed cheeks. I don't wipe it away. I don't touch it. I just allow it to follow a familiar path down my face. The same path it follows almost every year, today. I think I'm only crying because its been 10 years, that it hurts and feels even more surreal then it did the year before. We aren't moving like we are most mornings, we are still and calm. "Morning Jules." Colby says, sitting down next to me and giving my shoulder a little rub. My back is away from him so I try desperately to hide my salty tears that escaped my eyes without me realising. I fail. "Jules, are you ok?" he asks. I nod my head and he pulls me up into a seated positing so I can comfortably hug him. "Just... a nightmare." I say, lying through my teeth. He nods his head and continues to rub my back, comforting me more then he will ever realise. I really need to stop this. Being a baby and lying to my brother. 'He is here to comfort me and will be SO JUST TELL HIM!' my heart yells. With a simple reply, my brain says 'no' and thats the end of the discussion. The face that Sam gave me when I told them "I don't like the attention" finds its way back to the front of my brain. It wasn't a total lie, I do hate the attention but this is the true reason, the one that has thousands of locks that are needed to open it.

I lie back down, my phone in hand. Colby gives me a comforting smile and walks back outside with the rest of the guys. It's currently 11:00pm for them so I question whether he will be awake or not. I just need him right now. I put my phone to my ear and hear it ring. Once. Twice. Three times and a groggy hello. "Landon?" I say, the lump in my throat growing bigger and bigger. "Jules, whats......" He stops mid sentence and I can hear his breathing stop. A moment of remembrance has swept over him. "Its ok Jules, Im here." Thats all I needed to calm down. To hear his voice on the other side of the phone. God how much I wish it was really next to me. We stay like that for ten minutes, just knowing that his there makes everything so much better, and he knows it. "Its been ten years." I softly whisper into the phone. "And they would be proud" He finishes.

I manage to get myself out of bed but yesterdays smile doesn't return. My call with Landon finished when I heard his gentle breathing from him falling asleep on the other side of the phone. I have never smiled today in 10 years. Today is a day of sadness and loneliness for me. No one can change that. Once I dress in leggings and a hoodie I sit on my bed. I don't want to go, I just want to stay here all day, covered in warmth and hidden away from the world. Corey comes in to grab something. My back is to him and I pulled my laptop out of my bag and go onto Netflix to watch movies all day.                                                                                                                                          "Jules, whats up? Since yesterday you haven't been yourself. Whats going on?" He says, sitting down next to me. "Nothing Corey, I just don't want to do anything today." I reply as kindly as I can. My voice is soft and fragile, almost breakable. "Ok." His soft response comes as a bit of a shock to me because I have never heard him speak softly. His footsteps trail out of the RV and hit the harsh gravel outside. A few voices can be heard but another set of footsteps come to the RV. Another body sits down next to me, a soft hand falls on my hand that lies on my track pad. I look over to see Sam. "Whats wrong Juliet?" I simply shake my head and respond with the same as I did for Corey. "You and I both know something is wrong. The others may not see it but I do." I give him a look then continue to watch my movie. Sam shuts my laptop slowly and looks at me, sympathy glassing over his eyes. "Why aren't you talking to us Juliet?" He says softly but also in a fragile tone "I don't know what you are talking about Sam." I say, aggression now layering over the sadness in my voice. "Yes you do Jules." He says, his hand now gripping mine in plead.  "Sam, if you must know... I have a headache, please, just leave me alone." I cant do it. I cant get myself to say it. I cant get the words to come out of my lips. They sting to much, let alone the thoughts. I can tell he doesn't believe me, Its written all over his face.                                                  "Ok I'm sorry Jules. Colby and I just want you to know that we will always be here for you and we want you to know that you can come to us at anytime because we love you." I give him a hug before he stands up and hands me two pills and a bottle of water. "I hope these help." he states before walking out. I slip them into a pocket in my backpack so I don't waist them and take gulps of the water to make it look like I took them.  I lie in my bed and Elton comes in.             "Hey, you want to come with us or do you just want to stay here?" He asks, sympathy dripping from his every word. I could stay here, comfortable and warm but be questioned or go up and not be questioned. I chose that, nodding my head after shutting my laptop. Its going to be a long day.

The top of the mountain is chillier then yesterday, dark clouds hang and the wind is present, whipping dead leaves up into the air. The gondola trip was boring. It felt like I was all alone even though I was the fifth person in there. No one really spoke, no one made eye contact, It was just silence. We got into harnesses, stepping into specific loops to put them on properly. Helmets were slipped on just like the luge and we stood on a platform, preparing to glide off the mountain as I am instructed. I wish it was like the karts. All my memories and thought blown away with the harsh wind against my face. It didn't work today. My memories didn't fall away. Reality still painfully present. I am surrounded by people but I can't help but feel lonely. People I know to be my family right next to me, yet I feel isolated from the world and the people in it. We were attached to the line to zip down. 3. 2. 1. I run off the ledge. Trying desperately to get away from all the hurt, pain and suffering I have been through. But like a shadow, it follows, never leaving my side. I don't scream. I don't shout. I don't smile. I just treasure the feeling of lightness and flying. Clawing at any last remains of my happiness from yesterday, but it slips through my fragile hands, just like it does every year.

I get to the bottom of the zipline. Ear splitting screams come from the guys as they ride down. I sit at the bottom and wait for the others to come down. I want to laugh at them. I want to smile and enjoy myself but thoughts and images hurt more then I want them to. Every year, I stay in bed, I don't talk to anyone but Landon and I watch movies all day. Landon watches with me, bringing up popcorn, snacks and meals so I can eat alone. Every year, I ask him to leave, I ask him to go hang out with his friends so I can be alone. He doesn't listen to me, ever. He stays by my side. Thinking about this makes me like him even more. Making me miss him even more. 

Time passes quickly and before we know it, the sun starts to sink. I didn't want to do anything, so I sat up in bed and watched movies. Every so often, someone would sit next to me and watch whatever I was watching with me. Corey, Sam, Elton and Colby. Colby would try and talk to me, grilling me to tell him whats wrong. "Jules, whats wrong? are you alright? Please talk to me." Suddenly, I had enough. Anger boiling inside me because I was sick of him asking me over and over If anything was wrong.                                                                                                                                     "No, Colby, Im not. Did it ever occur to you that I didn't want to talk about it?!" I shout and he gives me a blank stare, sadness seeping though the cracks that I had just caused.                    "Juliet. Please just talk to me. I cant help you if you don't talk to me. Im trying to help you." His face was starting to become frustrated and hurt.                                                                                      "Colby, please leave me alone. I don't want to talk about it. Please respect that." Tears start to sting. My voice is low and Im trying to stay calm and not cry. Sam came over, whispering something to Colby. Colby walked away, he sat down at the back of the RV so I look at Sam as his arm went around my shoulder. "Its ok Jules. We just want you to know that we are here." He said. I broke out of his arm and looked at him. "I know, you both have repeated that numerous times but I hardly even know you guys. Im sorry that I haven't completely opened up to you but you cant just expect me to open up to you immediately because you adopted me." I say.           "We just wants to help." Sam says staying calm. "I just don't want to talk about it." I state.           "It helps if you do."

 I can't, I need to get out of here. My cheeks start to burn, frustration bubbling inside me. I need to leave before I blow. I walk toward the door of the RV when a hand snatches it, forcing me to stop. Its Colby and Sam is right behind them. "Dont storm out again Jules, Please." I shake my head. By this time, tears are streaming from my eyes. Not only from frustration but also memories. They flash through my mind, screaming and the sound of glass breaking. I was out the door. "Why is she acting like this? This isn't who we adopted." Thats it, my breaking point. Im on the gravel outside the door and they are standing at my bed. I turn around to face them and they look at me. Anger and hurt is flooding within me. "My parents died on my birthday! There! Are you happy?! ThatS the real reason why I hate my birthday." I turn around and left, running from them as far away as I could.


I hope this is ok, I wanted to make it emotional and different. Please tell me if you enjoyed because I worked really hard on it. Please vote if you want me to continue writing and comment so I know what to write. Im open to suggestions! :D WORD COUNT: 2,105

Stay true <3

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