This is my first story on here. Let me know what y'all think.
Warning: Don't steal my work. It will not end well for you. Trust me
Mature Content Warning: If you can't hang with that, then don't read it.
Regina needs a break, a vacation, to get som...
The following week Regina had landed in Scotland, ready for her new adventure but as soon as she made it to baggage claim in the airport, Regina got this eerie feeling like she was being watched. She thought to herself, 'I don't know anyone here so what's up with the spidey senses going off.' Regina eventually shook it off. She collected her bags and headed to the car rental station. Secretly hoping its not as hard as it seems to drive on the opposite side of the road. Once safe and settled in her rental and after entering the address into the GPS Regina heads to the busy yet beautiful city of Edinburgh,( according to the online search), to find the cozy little cottage just outside of capital. She would be staying there for 3 whole weeks hoping to get some sheer bliss.
Once entering into Edinburgh Regina started to feel a bit peckish so she decided now's a good time as any to try the food. Seeing what would be considered a bar and grill back home. The place was named Dun Broch Pub. Regina pulled into the parking lot and got out of the car. As she walked across the parking lot she once again feels like she is being watched. Regina turns around but still she sees no one watching her. With a little shutter she walks into the restaurant. Upon entering the establishment the first thing that catches Regina's eye is a beautiful black lady standing behind the bar with this huge grin spreading across her face. She had shoulder length thick black hair styled in tight bouncy curls. Big almond shaped dark brown eyes and small full lips. She was wearing a fitted v-neck tee that showed off her slim muscular arms. They reminded Regina of Angela Basset or Regina King like the type of women you'd think are so beautiful but you'd be scared shitless if you ever had the misfortune to get in a fight with. Regina walks up and takes a seat on 1 of the leather bar stools.
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"I've never seen you in here before so that means either you're a shut in or you're a tourist and I'm hoping for the ladder. Please tell me you're from the U.S. Please" said the mystery bartender.
With a smirk Regina replies, "judging by your accent you're from the states yourself. Where are you from?"
"Oh yessss thank you God. Hi, I'm Nova Karaden McCabe." she sticks out her hand for Regina to shake it. After Regina accepts the hand shake Nova continues her introduction. "I was born in Las Vegas, Nevada. Needed a change of pace so I moved here about 5 years ago, best decision I made in my life let me tell you. So may I get you something while we chat?"
"Umm sure I'm kinda hungry so what would you recommend?" asked Regina.
Nova puts a finger to her lips and makes a face as if she's thinking, then says. "I'll get you something fast and the best on this side of Edinburgh. You want something to drink in the mean time?"
"Yea could I get a Pepsi if you got it?"
"Sure. Not a problem. Be right back hun." Nova walks away weaving through the staff buzzing around getting other customers orders. Regina starts to wonder if chatting with her is going to get Nova in trouble with the owner of Dun Broch Pub.
Nova is so excited. She hasn't talked to someone from the U.S. in such a long time. She thought Regina was so cute. She loved hanging out with thick ladies because for some reason it's just easier to be yourself certain ones like Regina. Plus when they went out, Nova didn't have to worry about feeling self conscious when they ordered food, went clothes shopping, or just talking about everyday stuff. Like work, shows, or...hell even sex. The thick ladies Nova used to chill with back in Vegas were so different than the women she hung out with here in Scotland mainly one in particular. Bethany Erikson. Now Bethany was OK to talk to and hang out with sometimes, but there was only so much a person can take. Bitch gets full off a snicker bar. Anyway moving on. Now Nova isn't a thick girl herself she was quite fit, but she was the type that didn't really have to work at it do to high metabolism. So she did like to go out for a pizza during girls day and just doesn't want to feel self conscious if she eats three slices and the other person only has a damn piece of celery.
Regina reminded Nova of her ol' girls. From that and the tiny conversation they had she knew they would be fast friends. Even if Regina is only going to be her in Scotland for a short amount of time. Nova told Fergus, the chief, Regina's order and then headed back toward her with the Pepsi. As Nova walked towards Regina she looked her over. She is a very pretty lady with her long lightly curled hair . Big brown eyes and big full lips. She is wearing a lace trim, cold shoulder, low cut top with a pair of fitted skinny dark jeans. And ended the look with a pair of black lace up wedges.
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As Nova looks at Regina she starts to think, ' I wonder if she's single because if she is I know the perfect person for her. Which just judging from our little conversation Regina seems to be a good listener since I was doing most of the talking.'
Nova walks around the bar and grabs the stool right next to Regina and hands over her Pepsi. Nova had also fixed herself a drink.
"Here you go dear. So I've told you where I'm from your turn" said Nova.
Regina replied "well I'm from Lincolnton, NC.
"Ooo a country girl I love it."
With a giggle Regina replied with "Well yes. You can hear it in my voice sometimes. Especially when I get road rage."
"Speaking of road rage how did you handle driving on the other side of the road? Because I personally took a long time to pick it up. I still don't really have a handle on it completely." While taking a small pause Regina made the face that says she wanted Nova to continue explaining so she did. "Well I have it down until I'm in a hurry then I get confused and like everyone on the damn planet yourself included, road rage sets in and the yelling starts." With a big smile she said, "which is probably why my husband drives most of the time now."
"Oh you're married?" Regina asked just now realizing the rather beautiful ring on Novas left hand.
Nova replied "Yes happily for three years now. He's the most handsome, stubborn, beautiful, annoying, and sexiest man I have ever met." Nova kinda drifted off in that explanation. Regina was guessing that she was lost in thoughts of her husband. Which rang true when Nova kinda shook herself a little and said, " oh sorry I was lost in my thoughts. Anyway so what brings you to our lovely Edinburgh?"
"Just needed a breather away from everyday life, you know?"