Chapter $

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Kyran POV 

        Did she really just say that or was it my imagination, because she's so beautiful that it very well could've been.

       "Did you just..." Nova couldn't even finish that question. So much for that being my imagination. "You can understand us when we speak like that?" voiced Nova.

"Aye ah kin ken." (Yes I can understand)

"Even when Desmond and I were talking about...?" said Nova

        "Aye 'n' ah wid suggest 'sex tape' fur that. It holds lik' duct tape bit doesn't hurt or lea chibs whin ye remove it." (Yes and I would suggest sex tape for that. It holds like duct tape but doesn't hurt or leave marks when you remove it.) Regina says with a sheepish shy grin.

        Nova matches Regina's shy, cute girl grin and says "Oh I can already see that we are going to be great friends."

"So what brings you here, Regina? I said.

"Well I just needed a break from my life for a little bit."

        Nova giggled and said "Also called she wantit a break fae th' jobby men in her hame toun ." (Aka she needed a break from the shit men in her home town.)

        "Aye that tae." (Yeah that too.) Regina said with a big smile. Yeah I think Nova was right when she said they were going to be great friends.

       "Sae ye'r single." For some reason already I wanted to know her confirmation to my statement.

"Yeah I'm single"

        "Am I to assume that I could possibly change that?" Sometimes I know how to flirt sometimes feel like I'm just making an ass of myself. Hopefully its the first one.

        "Mibbie. Bit lik' ah said honey need tae ken mair than yer name." (Maybe. But like I said honey, need to know more than your name.) Regina said with a little seductive grin.

        In the span of about 45 minutes to an hour I've found out that Regina has been a bar tender for about 6 years, she has a large family, one of her best friends is her mom and her dog, Misty. Regina loves to read romance novels and was kinda a goody two shoes growing up. Her parents are no longer together, but she does have 2 sisters and 2 brothers. And also she's on vacation but she's only here for 3 weeks.

        While she was telling me about herself I started to think that maybe she was too much of a goody goody that she might be a virgin. All until I remembered that comment Regina made to Nova about the sex tape, which got me curious so I had to ask.

        I got closer to her and lowered the volume of my voice. "Sae howfur did ye ken aboot that throwing a sausage up a close tape thing." (So how did you know about that sex tape thing.)

        She took a sip of her soda and said "Och ah used tae wirk in a erotica shop. Loved it. (Oh I used to work in a erotica shop. Loved it.)

        "Och sae ye used tae spend yer entire wirk day talking aboot 'n' bein' aroond throwing a sausage up a close basically? wow ah think ye surprised me wi' that yin." (Oh so you used to spend your entire work day talking about and being around sex basically? Wow I think you surprised me with that one.)

        "Yeah I think you're going to be more surprised by me the more you get to know me. But that's enough about me tell me about you." Regina said with a beautiful smile on her face. The pub door opened and I wasn't paying attention to the person that walked in because I was focused on the way the light from outside looked on her sexy brown skin.

I noticed she was waiting on me to respond. "Well I'm..."

"Hey Kyran..."

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