Chapter 8 *Park Jimin*

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The next day,i woke up,someone was hugging me,it was suga.

He was sooooo cute and sexy when he sleeps,i play his hair a little it was so smooth i chuckled,but suddenly suga's eyes slowly opening.

Suga:It's okay,i like someone playing my hair.....
Hannah:That's new......
Suga:Especially you.
Hannah:OPPAAAAAA!!!!!!(slaps his shoulder)YOU'RE MAKING ME BLUSH!!!!!
Suga:It looks cute on you(smirks).
Hannah:Ok!!!...That's it!!!!!!....I'M DONE!!!!!!
Suga:w-w-wait!!!!!!hannah,i'm just joking!!!!!hannah waiiiiiit!!!!!!

I was running really fast until i bump into someone,i fell down on the hard wood floor,making me hurt myself.

??:Are you ok hannah?

I open my eyes and look to the man,it was jimin

I open my eyes and look to the man,it was jimin

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he was sooooo beautiful.His an angel.I cannot take off my eyes off him.

Jimin:Uuummm...hannah?...are you ok?
Hannah:w-what?..Oh!...Yes!Of course!hahahahahahaha!
Jimin:Ok,let me help you get up(helps you).
Hannah:Thanks oppa,i'll be fixing my things for the trip later.

Hannah left me,my heart beats really fast.I cannot control myself becuase i'm crazy in love with her!I want to take her from suga hyung.......

I want her to be mine.

I see the members fixing their things for the trip so i fix mine and pick my swimsuit
It was like this:

(HANNAH'S POV)I see the members fixing their things for the trip so i fix mine and pick my swimsuitIt was like this:

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I head offownstairs to check the boys if they are there,but luckily jimin was there........looking at me with wide eyes.

Hannah:Uumm jimin.....are you....ok?
Jimin:What?!....(laughs)yeah yeah i'm totally fine.....why?
Hannah:Nothing.....just asking.

I hear footsteps in the was yoongi.

Suga:Cute outfit,it suits you well.
Suga:Let's go?
Jimin:I'll just gonna go with jin.You go first.
Hannah:Ok oppa,bye!!

I watch them leave without looking at me,i watch my heart breaking to pieces,millions of them beacause of hyung.I was soooooo angry,i don't want them to live happily ever after,i want me and hannah live happily ever after,watch out hyung......

I'm gonna take away hannah from you.

We make ourselves comfortable in the car and drive away from the beach,leaving the boys alone.after of minutes waiting,we reach our destination!!

after of minutes waiting,we reach our destination!!

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It was so beautiful and so attractive.The white sand,the clear blue sea and the sea shells attracting the beach.It was perfect.

Suga:Do you like it?
Hannah:Like it?.....I LOVE IT!!!!!!The view is beautiful!!
Suga:Like you......
Suga:(kiss you in the forehead)I love you hannah,no matter what happend to you i'll be there ok?
Hannah:Ok oppa,i love you too.

After that we heard a van coming this way,it was them.

RM:Hey!what's up?
Hannah:Were fine(smiles)
J-hope:Well..what are we waiting for?let's go have some fun!!!
Hannah:What is it oppa?
Jimin:Uummm.......nothing.You can go now(smiles)
Hannah:Ok?see you there!

Hannah was walking away,with hyung,i was really jealous of him,really jealous.I seriously want to take away from him.I want this girl to be my girlfriend........


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