Tagged... Again

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Hey guys! I've been tagged again! So let's just get this over with!

13 weird things about me

1) When I was four years old, I had to have surgery on my eye since its muscle was in the wrong spot... Or something like that

2) Since I had my eye have surgery on it, I have been able to do a trick with it, where I can keep my left eye looking straight forward, but I can make my right eye look down. People think it's really creepy

3) (PLEASE DON'T HATE ME FOR THIS ONE) I hate chocolate

4) I've fallen asleep with my eyes open about three times now.

5) (this one isn't about me, but whatever) my mom has traveled around almost the whole United States

6) On my phone, almost my full gallery is full of GIFs (and I'm not ashamed)

7) 7 is my lucky number

8) Even if my family is full of artists, my brother can't draw

9) I'm around 5'5 tall

10) I already know one of my Christmas presents 😁😁

11) I used to play softball

12) We used to have 2 cats and 30 horses

13) A weird fact is that I actually did this...

Tag time!



Sorry about tagging you ;-;

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