Chapter Three ~ Are You Serious?

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*Pippas POV*

When I woke up I was on Lins couch. I grabbed my phone calling Steven. I would have to explain to him why I didn't come home last night. I jut hoped he wouldn't be too freaked.

"Hello? Pippa is that you? Where are you? What's going on?" He asked sounding definitely freaked.

"It's me, Steven.. I went over to Lins last night for pizza and fell asleep on his couch, I am so sorry I didn't tell you I wasn't coming home.." I explained feeling bad for making him worry.

"Why were you-? You know what just come please." He said, sounding irritated.

"Right, I'll be home soon." I told him and he hung up. I definitely felt horrible, I didn't want to make him worry like that.

I went over to Lins bedroom door and knocked door quietly, opening it a bit.

"Just wanted to say goodbye before I left, bye Lin.." I said and he groaned turning a bit in his bed.

I smiled a bit and picked up my bag and left his apartment. The drive back to me and Stevens apartment was quick, and when I entered the house he was standing there looking like he's been waiting for me.

"Well it took you long enough.." He said in a very harsh tone.

"Steven, I'm sorry I didn't tell you, I just passed out.." I told him seething my bag on the floor.

"Why were you with him anyway?" He asked and I looked at him slightly taken aback.

"Well, Lins, wife left him and he's going through a rough patch, I was just there being supportive." I told him.

"Well what did you do with him?" He asked crossing his arms.

"We ate pizza and watched a movie, why do you ask?"

"Oh.." was all he said at first then he started towards the door. "Well I have to go to work, I'll see you tonight." He said just leaving.

I stood there, extremely confused. I didn't understand why he went from quiet pissed to fine. Why did he just leave like that? So many questions ran through my head. I was pulled out of my thought by phone ringing.

"Hello?" I asked when I answered the phone.

"Hey, Pippa where are you? Are you home safe?" He asked sounding genuinely concerned.

"I'm fine Lin, I just went home." I told him.

"Oh alright, hows Steven?" He asked and I let out a sigh.

"He's okay.."

"Is everything alright? You don't seem alright.." He said concern reentering his voice.

"Everything is Fine." I told him not fully confident in what I was saying.

"You know, you're a horrible lair." He told me with a slight sigh. "You don't have to tell me, but if you want to talk, I'm here."

"Lin, you don't need to worry I'm fine." I said. "How are you doing? That's what's important right now."

"A little better, not too much but I suppose it'll just take time.."

"Yes, it will." I said to him. "Well I'll see you at the theatre."

"Okay, Bye pip."

This One's Mine // A Lippa FanficWhere stories live. Discover now