Chapter Four ~ Oops

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*Lins POV*

"That was one of our best shows yet." I said as we got off stage.

"Hopefully we'll be that good when we get to broadway." Phillipa said looking over at me.

"Of course we will be." I told her then headed off to my dressing room.

I got changed into my street clothes, before I could think about it too much I made my way out of the theatre and started in my way home. Home, they say home is where the heart is, but mine was stolen. Vanessa took my heart with her when she left.

'Does that make me homeless?' I thought and for some reasons founds myself chuckling at this.

When I walked into the apartment I sighed, I didn't like being here alone. It made me feel more empty and alone than I've ever felt in my life.

After a little while of doing nothing I decided I couldn't stand being sober. I knew how bad it sounded but all I  could do was think of Vanessa and the fact that I was starting feel things for my friend who was engaged.

I poured myself a drink and sat at my  kitchen counter, drinking alone.

-Time Skip-
*3rd person POV*

Lin was now pretty tipsy, he could still speak and walk, kind of, but he wasn't all there. He heard a knock on the door and went to answer it.

"Heeey, pippy!" He exclaimed in a happy voice.

"This is all your fault!" Phillipa said walking into the apartment closing the door behind herself. "If I hadn't had to help you, I'd still be engaged!" She said loudly.

"What are you talking about?" Lin asked making a face.

"Steven called off the wedding, he broke up with me!" She said tears falling down her face. "And now I have no where to live because he kicked me out.." phillipa told him now going quiet.

"Awe, Pippa.. I am so sorry.." Lin whispered moving closer to her wiping away a few tears. "But it's not my fault that he can't trust you.."

"Lin, I don't know what to do.." She said and in less than a couple seconds later Lins lips were on hers.

Phillipa didn't move at first then wrapped her arms around his neck. Lins arms wrapped around her waist pulling her closer.

Lin pushed Phillipa against his bedroom door as she started pulling at his shirt.

They broke apart for a moment and Phillipa pulled his shirt off. Lins hand went to the knob and they stumbled to the bed.

Phillipa fell onto the bed Lin now hovering over her. He started tugging at her shirt, pulling it over her head discarding it somewhere on the floor. Soon enough they were both naked.

Lin slightly awkwardly slid the condom over his dick. He then positioned himself at her entrance, before starting to pump himself into her.

Phillipa nails dug into Lins back pulling him closer and wrapped her legs around him.

Lin was quite surprised,  mostly because he found Phillipa was pretty loud in bed. Though honestly this just made him smile.

-Time Skip-
*Pippas POV*

I woke up cuddling into, Stevens chest, there was a pounding in my head so I decided to keep my eyes shut. Then I snuggled into Stevens chest more. Though I could have sworn we had a huge fight. A flash of the fight we had last night went through my head.

Though I knew this had to be Steven, I just thought it was odd. I swear I remember him calling everything off. So how'd we end up having sex last night. I must have been pretty drunk cause I can't remember.

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