Chapter Four.

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(The girl on the first chapter is Madison, except with blue eyes and blonde ombre)

"Madison!" I heard Marcel yelling causing me to groan before shouting back. 

"What is it now Marcellus?" I shouted back knowing he will kill me for calling him that. I sat up from my bed where I sat to read, I moved towards the hallway to be face to face with him. He smiled at me before remembering he was angry. I laughed at him as he pointed a finger. 

"Don't laugh at me young lady" He said making me laugh harder. I couldn't handle it, the big bad King of New Orleans couldn't even shout at his little sister. I saw his face turn soft, I smiled as he let out a chuckle. 

"Listen, next time you're going outside for a cigarette, don't leave the remains where I can find them". I just nodded feeling stupid to even do that. "Come on" I looked up at him as he moved towards the stairs "let's have a catch up day, we haven't really spoke about everything" I nodded and followed him downstairs to the two sofas that sat opposite each other, in front of two pairs of stairs that joined in the middle.

"Come on, tell me everything" He said leaning back on the seat as I crossed my legs. 

"First of all, Tyler's a werewolf" I said making him tense. "And I help chain him up every full moon, which I hate" I said leaving out the part of him attacking me. "Listen Marcel" I said shifting slightly. "I met your dad, the one you talk about, Niklaus". I said watching him suddenly change moods and positions himself. "He possessed my dads body for a few weeks. He told me straight up not to go to him for anything, but to act to everyone else like he was my dad" He just nodded as I spoke keeping both elbows on his knees as he sat forward leaning his chin against his hands which sat as though he was praying. 

"He told me about you, the son he thinks is dead" I said. He looked up at me in shock and hope. 

"Did you tell him I was alive?" He asked. I shook my head feeling guilty, I know what it's like to feel like you've lost someone, I wish I told Klaus. 

"Good" Was all he said, I looked at him in shock. 

"Are you joking me Marce?" I asked using his nickname. "I have just spent three years grieving for my mother. It broke me, you saw that. How long has Klaus been grieving for his dead son Marcel? Has it never occurred to you that maybe he didn't come back to this city because he can't? Because he's scared that the only place he will find you is in the cemetery" I didn't yell once, I was trying to sympathise and by the looks of it, it was working. 

"What did he say about me?" He asked, his voice raw. 

"He said you was everything he wished he was. Kind, loving, just. He left a name behind that he can't change, but he said if you was still here you would be ruling the world" He just nodded looking up at me. 

"I guess I'll have to wait till the day his ready to face his fears" He said before laughing lightly. "He never had fears before" I nodded listening to what he was saying, but I wasn't just listening to him, I was hearing him. 

"He will be back, he loves you too much to walk away without an answer". I reassured. After the little talk with Marcel he went off to do some business before the big meal tonight that everyone was planning whilst I got ready. I knew it wasn't going to be held here. Cami decided to join in and offered the bar for the night. I know her good friend Sophie is helping out tonight, she's a witch. As far as I know her sister is still dead due to a harvest girl who went missing. Davina. Apparently no one knows where she is. But the thing is, if she ran they would have word of her, so that means she is still in this city. 

I finally got the text saying come outside, so I did, only to find Marcel standing in a tux. I laughed at him which made him chuckle, he held his hand out for me which I took and followed him down the street. Everything was calm, not one light on. I looked up at Marcel who tried to hide his smile. 

"What's going on Marcel?" I asked as he looked up and stopped. 

"Well, tonight is the night we celebrate your arrival" He said as lights started turning on, one by one, but it wasn't streetlights, its was white fairy lights, lighting up our pathway. I chuckled slightly. "So we want to make it a special one" We continued walking till we came to the bar where everyone stood outside, all in formal wear. Everything was beautiful, it was peaceful, it was home. 

I stood at the bar talking with Tom when someone's voice appeared on the microphone, everyone grew silent as we all turned to see Marcel with a shaky smile, he was nervous, his never nervous.

"Hello everyone, tonight, as you all know, we are gathered to celebrate the arrival of my little sister Madison-Leigh Gerard-Saltzman" He said which made all of our friends cheer, the ones around me gripping onto my shoulders and shaking me causing me to laugh. "And also for another announcement I would like to make" He said making everyone go quiet, I didn't realise there was one?

"I, have decided to sign the contract to say Madison, owns half of everything along with our home. So, no matter what, we shall never fall" I gaped shocked but happy, it was something I wanted, I wanted to be apart of everything here. The cheer was louder this time, this really was a celebration. "Now little sister, would you meet me on the floor for a dance?" He asked making me laugh as I walked over to him. Slow Jazz played as everyone started talking, or dancing but no one looked at us, it was our personal space, they respected my brother too much to cause discomfort. 

"I feel so underdressed" I chuckled nervously causing him to laugh.

"You look beautiful" I gave him a silent thank you. But a thought crossed my mind.

"Marcel, why do you do this?" I said motioning to the party, and obviously giving me shares of this city and my name. 

"Because Mads, you're the only family I've got, I could fall madly in love with someone but if they tried getting in the way of us, I would leave. you're my little sister, you've been through too much I couldn't protect you from, but I can now" I just nodded at his words letting them sink in, only then did I realise for real, I always say this is my home, but it's not, homes a person and right now Marcel was my home, he would looking the Devil in eye and fight any unfair fight to defend me. He keeps me safe, loved and welcome. His my home. 

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