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So yup I am back with an update

Last update cliffhanger pr chor tha
Tou socha jaldi update krdun😝

And Ya read the note at the end


Vikrant shoot the gun and bullet passes through nandni hitting her arm causing her to feel sharp pain in her arm her breath hitched she was going to fall but before she could lose the balance manik hold her holding her his eyes widened but nandni swallowing the lump in her throat and ignoring the throbbing pain in her arm took manik's hand in her and continue to run while manik was still shocked nandni stopping her tears said

N:Manik Dont stop!Run!

Listening to her Manik become alert and start running with her while she ignoring the pain used her all energy to run fast

Vikrant shout at his him

V:Why are you standing here?RUN BEHIND THEM!


Cabir and dhruv heard the soud of gun shot from afar and become shocked for a moment and then start running fast to that direction


Manan were running fast with Vikrant's man behind them Nandni was starting to feel weak as blood was oozing from he arm nonstop then manik and nandni hid behind a thick tree manik's back pressed against it while he pull nandni to his chest he quickly take a look at her and his eyes landed on her arm her arm was full of blood and blood was also on her shirt he become hell worried and angry

M:SHIT! Damn are you okay Nandni?

He said cupping her face with his hands

N:I am oka__

He didn't let her complete

M:How can you be okay?why am i asking such stupid questions? Oh my God we have to do something we have to stop bleeding

He then without wasting a second took of his shirt nandni looked at him with wide

N:Manik what____
M:Shh dont talk much it will pain

Nandni become quiet then manik with his shaking hands took her arm which was full of blood Yes the Manik Malhotra who has seen many people beeding his hands were shaking after seeing nandni's blood and he dont know why he carefully took her arm trying not to hurt her but she winced


Listning her wince something stinged in his heart nandni closed her mouth pressing her lips and trying not to shout Manik slowly wrapped his shirt around her arm but it was not stopping the flow of blood fully nandni put her hand on her mouth trying not to make a sound then some of vikrant men came manik immediately pull nandni towards himself more vikrant men were approaching the tree manan were behind Manik cursed under his breath, took nandni hand and run from there Vikrants men notice then

Men:us taraf gaye hain wo log

They ran behind manan


Cabir and dhruv reached where manan lit the fire and saw several main lying on the floor cabir sighed

C:Manik and nandni must be safe till now but we don't have much time

Then his eyes fall on Manik's jacket lying down he picked it up

C:Follow me

Everyone ran behind him to find manan


Manan stopped at the middle of no where infront of them were three path of three different sizes one was narrow one was of normal and other one was wide

Manik and Nandni looked at eachother

Manik squeezed nandni's hand and they move towards one path

Vi:Manik aur Nandni aj khtm hone chahiye we cant take risk to leave them alive


C:Dhruv can you track manik?
Dh:No still not

Cabir moved his hand through his hair frustrated then his eyes landed on something down behind a thick tree and his eyes widened

He move forward and took nandni's bracelet which Manik had gifted her

C:Nandni's bracelet

As he bend down to take the bracelet he noticed bracelet was having blood on it his eyes widened and he carefully looked at the ground there was trail of blood which vikrants man failed to notice

C:Shit! I hope nandni safe ho Oh God DHRUV FOLLOW THIS TRAIL OF BLOOD


As Manan were running through the wide path suddenly nandni felt dizzy as she had loss lots of blood her pace slowed and then she fainted

I hope you enjoyed it next update will be out soon and ya

I just updated
Of my new upcoming story


Do check it out please and
Kindly tell me how do you find it through comments


Just like this story that story will also need support so my lovely  you AGAIN? and GIRL OF A GANG LEADER readers please be with me💕

And InshAllah I will update it's first chapter soon

So take care see you in next update

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