Chapter 125

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Nandni's POv

My heart started beating fast as I stare into his deep eyes

Butterflies jumping and dying to come out of my stomach

I gulped and my eyes wide open

Manik bend down and rubbed his nose against my cheek slowly and I shivered he slowly traveled down to my neck and placed his soft lips over my throat kissing me slowly sending chills all over my body as my eyes automatically shut

His lips linger on my neck as he placed few butterfly kisses I bite my lip to stop the sound that was threatening to come out of my mouth and hold Manik's hand tightly my heart beating fast and my body reacting to his touch

I was breathing heavily and His lips travel towards my jaw line as I felt him touch my bare stomach

Wait when did he unbottoned his shirt I mean my shirt I mean his shirt which I was wearing

Ok stop Nandni

I can't concentrate on anything right now at this moment my mind has gone blank

He has opened few top bottons of my shirt till the end of my bra where his hand rested now and I shivered

His hand encircled around my ch*st as he pressed it

I moaned loudly but he captured my mouth in his stopping me as he kissed me slowly sucking on my lower lip

I was out of breath it was too hot and the feeling was new to me he pressed my br***t more making me moan louder my hand encircled around his neck

He broke the kiss and I felt him putting on the buttons of my shirt again

Wait why?


What am I even saying?

I was breathing hard and so was he

He opened his eyes and move forward towards my ear

"Nandni I am trying so hard to control and you are making it even harder stop doing what you are doing it's difficult already I won't be able to control any longer"He whispered huskily Making me feel more hot

And suddenly he was on the side of the bed not on the top of me


So when did I told you control!?

Why is he being such a gentleman all of a sudden!


What am I thinking?

Nandni you pervert!

Aishh my plan was to make him feel bothered why is it opposite all of a sudden

I want him to go on?


As if

Why is it hot suddenly?

Shouldn't it be cold because of rain?

I was still breathing hadd

What in the world just happened?

Anyways I should sleep too



I looked over towards Manik

"Ahh I am so sleepy"I said loudly for him to hear

But there was no response



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