Chapter 123

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Okay I know I know it's been a month since I updated last

But guys because of my eyesight doctor told me to be careful for a while so I couldn't write for a while then when I started writing Wattpad the great deleted the three chapters that I saved in drafts after that I can't seem to put my heart in writing

I write whenever I feel like but I wasn't feeling it

Hope you understand

Nandni looked into his eyes and put her hand on his shoulders and move them slowly till his neck encircling them

"I don't know"She said and smiled

"I don't care about exercise anymore"Manik said and kissed her Nandni smiled closing her eyes and wrapped her arms around Manik


After their hot workout and Makeout session they went to freshen up

Manik was preparing lunch for himself and Nandni when Nandni came from back after changing and hugged him by wrapping her arms around his waist Manik stopped cutting and looked at her

"Do you need something I am pretty good at cooking now"He asked

"Ahaan I see but main kisi ek khaas cheez ke mood main nahi jo sae lage banado"Nandni said

"Ok"Manik said

Nandni then sat on the table as Manik served food

They both talked and enjoyed their lunch

Now it was 8:00pm Manan were in garden Nandni was reading a magazine while Manik was on his tablet working on something and speaking to one of his workers

Nandni looked at him moving the magazine a little at side

"They are calling him on a day off too"Nandni said to herself

She then suddenly smiled as something popped in her mind

She kept her head on Manik's shoulder but Manik stayed unbothered and still busy with the work

Nandni pouted and she pulled Manik's hair a little Manik frowned but then again stayed unbothered

Nandni rolled her eyes and she started roaming her hand over his eyes Manik removed her hand without saying much she huffed and kept her head on his lap

Manik looked at her for a second which made Nandni smile but then she again frowned as Manik started looking into his tablet again and kept talking on phone

She got up grumpily

She sighed and tried the last trick she put her bare legs above Manik's lap as she was wearing frock

Manik's eyes went on her legs and he stopped talking for a moment

He then move his eyes from Nandni's legs

"Ok listen I will talk to you tomorrow at office"Manik said glancing at Nandni's legs and cut the call

He closed his tablet and keep it at side table

"What are you doing?"Manik asked Nandni

"Can't you tell I am trying to get your attention"Nandni said crossing her arms on her chest while her legs still on Manik's lap as they were sitting on the couch in garden

"Do you think your tricks will work?"Manik said

"But This seems to work well though"Nandni said gesturing towards her legs

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