You open your eyes and u see that ur tied up in a frikin goddamn chair!!!!!1
Suddenly a d00r oPens.....You can see thE illominarti king submeregeege from the shadows....
He is holding a kinf!!
U gasped and triEd to pretendg you wher still unconscious, but he knew u where ok.
U saw someone else behind him, he looked like a smexy furry.
He lo00ked at youhg and remained with a harD glare.
A tearra ran down Ur cheek *cough sanic the armadillo* the iLloiminati king was in Front oF u now!
"YoU wiLl lOve MNe Y/N!!111!!1!1!1". He whispered.
Yu turned yo head away from him (his breath smelt like ur mum oH no)...
"NO NEEVARRVERR!!!!!1!1!!!" You shouted!
Befor u could say anything else u heard a loud t h u d..!
I'm stuck in bold ffff.
You quickly turned ur fat head around perhaps u broke ur n3c5 idk.
The illoumianti king was unconscious!!1!
BehiNd heim u saw that smexy beast wiTh a Smug fac :^)!
"My neam is cresh berndicoort..." he whispered.
Oh wow I'm out of boldHe untiEd you from the c h a I r and u louked at him up close, u never noticed how hot he really was...
"I'm goiNg to help uy fiond dat boi!" He said.