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BehiNd heim u saw that smexy beast wiTh a Smug fac :^)!
"My neam is cresh berndicoort..." he whispered.

He untiEd you from the c h a I r and u louked at him up close, u never noticed how hot he really was...
"I'm goiNg to help uy fiond dat boi!" He said.
Cresh starvgted bhlush as he sawr yoiuur bewutiful orb eye thjngs you stayed there forh a whilhe in the magicalh momenthg youh started to leanh closer but uyuou stopped.
You remembhtered dat bOi....
Yoiu remember thatg day...

Flashhbggbaback yourrh pov:

("Uhuhw Y/N I needg toh tellk youh something..."
youy turned ur head to seeh dat bhoi standijhg at the doorwhay,
He walkedmh closerr...
"Whaat ish ith?" You mumbledh,

Withoutgh saying another worhd he kissy kiwsy uu!!
You gasped in shoksks and rean away!

I'm stuck in BOlD again

You puHsehed crewh aawy and siGhed,
"SooUh whawgt shouldh we do?????!?1?" You gasp3d.

Craaesh looksed disspointedh forj a sec but returhned badki to normal soon after.

"Theh illuminatyi kingh hasd him held captivhe inhhgh his paqalec, firsht we musth findg the mapp to theg Land of deaahddf memessj!!!"

Crewash berndicarot said as he snoopeddo throughth the shelvesd foull of weapomnhs and potionhs.
"Weh needhr tooh leqbave quickluyd beforea weh getsu disscovhhrefed byh the guardsg!!!!"

Youj noddeds andh grabbedlk some weaponhs andh stuffd form ther shelves tehn u andh craesh left quiokcluy!!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2017 ⏰

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