part 1

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Scene 1

Everyone gathered around to witness the Hokage speech about the new era. Sakura was at the hospital attending to her patient, she was trying to finish as much as possible to attend the meeting. She was busy looking at some files when one of the nurses barge in her office with urgent news.

"SAKURA-CHAN!" she said

"What is it Mika?" she asks curiously, the girl by the name of Mika took a deep breath and sighs

"Its Tohru and shinachiku," she said panicking, sakura gave her a blank stare before she screams, everyone from the hospital could hear her, and even the people passing by were scared.

Mika looked at very pissed sakura; she walked calmly putting strength in her walk, making the ground crack. ~oh god I hope they're gonna be alright~ she thought watching sakura walk out the door

Scene 2

Tohru and shinachiku were writing stuff on the Hokage Mountain, well mainly Tohru while shinachiku was scared. "I don't think we should do this tohru," he said making him look at his little brother.

"Why are you being a coward Chiku, this will be the biggest prank in the world," he said

"But what if mom finds out about this?" he said a little worried

"She won't know, because I made sure she was busy. Besides, you said you would do this with me, don't you want to see dad's reaction?" he asks

shinachku was thinking about it, his inner self was screaming to see the outcome but he had a bad feeling something was gonna happen.

"here, take this noodle string an put it on dad's, make sure the kunai is holding it," he said smirking, shinachiku look at his brother before giving the Uzumaki smirk showing that he gives up. While they were busy writing and painting pervy-sage face, someone snuck behind them.

"You know you should paint his lips redder and give him a little blush, so everyone will know how perverted he was," he said making them stop and turn around slowly

Shinachiku look at his dad with guilt while Tohru drop one of his paint making it hit konohamaru "why you little brat, wait till you get down here." he said pissed

"DAD!" they both said

"Tohru, shinachiku, shouldn't you guys be in school," he said putting on a strict face

"Well, the thing is we wanted to hear your speech so we came up here," said Tohru making Chiku face palm his face ~that idiot, what kind of excuse is that. Theirs no way dad will by that~ he thought

"really," he said looking at them tensely before asking for tohru paint, Tohru sadly gives it to him pouting that his prank was ruined, when suddenly naruto look at the monument and spray something on the third Hokage face.

"This my boy is how you do it," he said spraying some more stuff surprising both of his sons. He turns around to see  them gaping at him then he said "are you guys just gonna stand there or help me finish this." he said making them smile and continue their painting

Scene 3

Konohamaru couldn't believe that naruto was helping them. He wanted to yell at him for being an idiot but restrain himself Kakashi and Iruka-sensei walk towards him wondering what all the commotion was about. When they saw a sight that almost made them gulp, their standing to your right was none other than sakura with an era that can kill. Everyone backed up a few steps scared that the rock she was holding would hit them.

Sakura on the other hand watched the whole thing, she thought naruto would put some sense into them but she should have known not to put her faith into naruto-no-baka.

breathing she glared at them sending her death glare Kakashi seeing sakura was about to throw the big rock went to hold her, but she kept moving foreword.

"Sakura lets talk about this," he said but she ignored him and continued

"Sakura, don't kill the seventh. Tsunade said bored and drunk. Sakura ignored all of them and said the words that made Tohru piss on himself "NARUTOOO!" she said making the boys stop what they were doing and naruto dropping his paint. Konohamaru moved away thinking it won't hit him this time, but he was wrong. I guess fate had it out for him because the next thing you know three can of paint fell on his head, giving him a bump.

"Sakura-chan, it's not what it looks like." he tried to explain but before you know it sakura threw the large rock which was heading straight to him. panicking he quickly tried to move out the way but the rock was so fast, he successfully dodge the rock sighing with relief but that was soon cut short when his rope broke, making him fall.

Everyone watched as the Hokage fell on his head, sakura being one of them quickly ran to him worried about him. "Naruto-Kun," she said grabbing his shoulder and shaking it roughly "naruto you baka, wake up," she said shaking him even harder

"," he said softly touching her hand making her stop moving him, he opened his eyes and watches her with half tears, and then he reached and whipped it away. Smiling lovingly at her "I'm alright Sakura-chan you don't have to cry." he said making her smile

Tohru and shinachku watch as their parents become affectionate in public, they knew their mom could be a devil at times and they did not want to be around when she focused her attention on them. taping shinachiku, Tohru told him to follow him before their mom sees them. As soon as they were gonna move sakura said in a deadly voice "take one step you two and I will make sure you never eat Raman again." she said horrifying Tohru and shinachiku.

After she said that sakura smiles lovingly at naruto and said "now you are fine, I can finally punish all of you." she said

"NANI!" they said together

Scene 4

It was night time when sakura decided to punish the boys, she made sure they didn't eat anything, the only one who got to eat was Hanami there five-month-old old daughter.

"sakura-chan is so mean, I can't believe I'm doing this," he said while cleaning the statue in his boxers. "What did you say naruto," she yelled from below

"Nothing Sakura-chan," he said scared

"Tohru! shinachiku! I don't see you working." she yelled while bouncing Hanami on her lap. Chiku grabs the bucket full of water while Tohru helped clean with the rag, while he was coming, he accidentally trips making the waterfall on Tohru and Naruto. Naruto screamed while Tohru yelled " CHIKU YOU BAKA!"

While all this was going on sakura was smiling at Hanami who didn't know what was going on "your brothers are so funny, Desu ne?" she said to her making Hanami giggle happily while smiling

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