#22 Response to "You're Ugly"

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👩🏽THE SIGNS REACT TO "You're Ugly"🖕🏼

♈️Aries- "I Think you may be looking in a mirror"

♉️Taurus- "Don't make me laugh!"

♊️Gemini- "Great! I was trying to look like you today"

♋️Cancer- "Anyone can cover up ugly, but unfortunately for you, there is no hiding stupid"

♌️Leo- "And I should care why...?"

♍️Virgo- "And you're the prettiest two-dollar wh()re I ever laid my eyes upon"

♎️Libra- "It's scary how someone so stupid could be the same species as me!"

♏️Scorpio- "Surgery can fix being ugly, but nothing can fix your levels of stupidity"

♐️Sagittarius- "Thank you for your unwanted feedback"

♑️Capricorn- "You poor thing, you actually think I give a shit"

♒️Aquarius- Flicks you off

♓️Pisces- "I mean it could be worse.... I could be you"

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