♈️Aries- Is rolling down the window yelling "GET OFF FU**ING ROAD THE ROAD!!!"
♉️Taurus- Is praying to god to give them patience
♊️Gemini- Rolling down the window and giving everyone the middle finger
♋️Cancer- Is banging their head on the wheel
♌️Leo- Is honking the horn repeatedly
♍️Virgo- Plays pac man
♎️Libra- Turns on music and sings as load as possible with the windows rolled down
♏️Scorpio- Is being a polite driver
♐️Sagittarius- Quits
♑️Capricorn- Has a murderous look on their face as if saying "Honk one more time, I dare you"
♒️Aquarius- Is wondering how much trouble they'll be in when mom finds out she/he was late to dinner
♓️Pisces- Falls asleep and legit almost gets into a crash