#42 Character Flaws

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♈️Aries- Always end up getting hurt because of their love and deep trust for others.

♉️Taurus- When they find something they like, they become a little obsessed. (Usually lasts for about a month or 2)

♊️Gemini- They NEVER give up during an argument.

♋️Cancer- They have the attention span of a gnat. (Aka: absent minded)

♌️Leo- Can be EXTREMELY prideful and egotistical.

♍️Virgo- Tend to be self-martyrs and search for pity form others by putting on a great show of suffering.

♎️Libra- Smart. Asses. Their mouth gets them in a hell of a lot of trouble.

♏️Scorpio- Tend to be fickle in relationships and friendships. Sometimes let others change them whether conscious or unconsciously.

♐️Sagittarius- They're always one step ahead of you.

♑️Capricorn- The biggest procrastinators.

♒️Aquarius- They are vey childish and hate to lose so when they do lose, they'll make you wish you hadn't won.

♓️Pisces- Can be VERY pessimistic during difficult situations. They usually need to be paired with an optimist person to balance their unsteadiness.

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