A dark secret

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Chanyeol convinced hyerim to join in his robbery and she accompanied him with an intention to collect proof against him. If possible capture him red handed and throw him behind the bars. Well, chanyeol was well aware of her hostility but he wanted to unveil the reality of this kingdom, the royals' true faces. He was sure with that hyerim would comprehend the situation which led him to turn into masked man.

The gang took their positions. Hyerim accompanied chanyeol at a hiding place. The auction started and the bids were placed. They waited for the right time, and that would be until the final bid was made. The moment the final gavel will hit the table, their plan will start. The nerves grew on them, hyerim was anxious to start her plan, her head thought of number of options. He glanced at the officials around the place "The crown prince has made necessary arrangements i see" he muttered. She glanced at him trying to read him but the person right in front of her wasn't chanyeol the young lad who was playful but the masked man who was tactful.

The time arrived and the gavel they were waiting for was beat. "The bid goes to the royal......" the auctioneer announced and there were cheers everywhere. The gang signaled each other, chanyeol got the clue and he jumped after carefully viewing his surroundings. Hyerim joined him covering her face, knowing she might land into trouble if she is discovered either by prince sunggyu or general doojoon. They blend into the auctioning group of royal, hiding through the royal palace guards. Poof, the smoke bomb blew and the gang dispersed to get a hand on those royal jewels. Hyerim was quite surprised by the chaos and got lost in this. Somehow within the smoke her eyes on landed on sunggyu who was almost within her reach. Frozen she stood, and then her eyes shifted to the masked man who has almost got those jewels.

"Not so fast, i need to stop him" she thought to herself and escaped. Sunggyu spotted a woman rushing who happened to be hyerim and got suspicious. She sprinted towards chanyeol with an intention to disrupt his work. She ran past him to get those jewels. Chanyeol shook his head watching her, comprehending her thoughts. He jumped on the table and landed over her and placed his sword over the neck of the bidder. The man who was lean, wore expensive clothes and had a mole under his eye shivered and handed those jewels anticipating his life would be saved. Hyerim saw the guards rushing towards them and pointed the sword at chanyeol "Masked man, you have been captured" she said triumphantly. Chanyeol smiled from behind and quickly turned around readily pointing his sword at her neck. He swiftly dropped her sword. Grinning he brought her closer "Do not take me as a fool princess. I will never be captured by these men. Before you land into trouble you better follow me and my orders" he whispered. Not giving any chance to listen to her answer he dragged her and departed to join his gang.

Hyerim was infuriated by how she was being treated by a commoner on that a criminal. She succeeded in releasing herself from his grip. Unfortunately, the royal guards were after them. Both ran fast and jumped over a wall. Then they ran into an alley to escape. As if misfortune has dawned upon her, hyerim fell at one point. Chanyeol who was unaware of that kept going forward. She noticed the guards were within her reach and took a short cut. Chanyeol who then turned to check on hyerim was bewildered noticing her taking a different route "Oh lord, that woman" he cursed himself for not taking care of her. The gang escaped on their horses as their work was accomplished. Hyerim who was trapped didn't know where to go. Chanyeol whistled and his horse thunder came running to him. Hopping on, his eyes wandered in search of hyerim who was missing.

Meanwhile, hyerim thought it was too risky if she was caught. Nerves grew on her when she could not reach her horse and spotted sunggyu who was just behind her. Just at the right time she noticed a group of women getting on a certain carriage. Taking a quick decision, she joined them covering her face. Sunggyu who was anxious asked the guards who came to report him "Did you get them?". The head guard shook his head apologetically. The crown prince enraged "That masked man entered a royal auction and none of the guards were able to get a hold of him. What were you all doing?". The guard stood lowering his head "Your highness, general doojoon went after them" he informed.

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