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Another new day arrived with jumbled emotions. In frazzled state was princess somi who couldn't sleep the whole night. The bags under her eyes were clearly visible and also her eyes were swollen. The reason for her distress was prince mingyu. Leaving her enormous room secretly early in the morning and by saving herself from the eyes of gukjoo, her personal maid, she reached the same garden which mingyu introduced before.

Though she was here to have a peace of mind but that seemed to be beyond the bounds of possibility as his words echoed in her ears and his memories flashed right into her mind. She didn't understand why his disregard affected her so much. Covering her body in a thin shawl she sat in the garden. The dew drops accumulated on the fresh grass and leaves made her hands and legs damp until she realized it wasn't dew but her own tears which were dropping from her already puffy eyes.

Within her blurry sight she could see a faint silhouette of a man who was in the garden tending the roses. Recognizing his physique she hurried to his side "His highness?" she called him with tears in her eyes and her observation was right he was indeed prince mingyu. Noticing her he walked away, completely ignoring her. His harshness shattered her heart, weeping she called him again "Prince mingyu, f...for....give me" burying her face in her palms. He stopped, striding towards her decisively he pulled her into his arms. Her breath was taken away as soon as his strong body engulfed her slim figure. As his embrace tightened her eyes softened, inundated with happy emotions she wrapped her hands around his back.

Mingyu's eyes shot open as her nails nig deep into his silk robe. His mouth curved into a smile, he parted their bodies. Now that she realized her actions, blood gushed to her cheeks. His emotions were overflowing noticing her expressions, which depicted her glee. Gently touching her face still anxious on the inside, he kept looking at her intently, also wiping her tears. Her heart overflowed, with a tingling sensation all over her body she stared into his eyes dearly. A smile beamed on her lips while he returned the same. The twinkle in her eyes, her desperation and her satisfaction after patching up with him made him realize that he has become dear to her. With the same confidence, he planted his impatient lips on her rosy lips. Her eyes flickered as he nibbled on her lips. A second later he separated only to look at the shocked girl who just recovered, embarrassed she ran away leaving behind the man who till now acted all confident but his ears couldn't hide the embarrassment too.

Somi who ran like there is no tomorrow feeling embarrassed, confused and beaming ran into hyerim who was taking a stroll in the palace. Dumfounded she asked somi if everything was fine but the girl kept breathing hard. As if she was dreaming, she answered dazed "Sister," she quickly rushed to her chamber shyly. Wondering what happened to her strict sister she shook her head. Disregarding the minor details she was elated to see her happy.

Hyerim passed through the mysterious chamber and halted in front of the door. A guard came rushing to her side "Her highness, you are not allowed to enter in here" he suggested to keep off. "And whose orders are those from?" hyerim enquired but guard stood tight lipped. Breathing out she walked away anticipating she will get nothing from him.

After a walk, she reached her chamber only to find gyuri waiting for her arrival impatiently "Princess? I heard there is a funfair in the town. Let's go out and enjoy this pleasant evening" she requested. Hyerim gave it a thought as her head was muddled. She wanted a break to clear her mind, probably heart too. Immediately she agreed "Somi can join us too" she suggested. Gyuri agreed and quickly left to deliver the news to somi.


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