Dear Hope.

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Little Light,

You life is good and filled with people who love you no matter what. You are the center of so many lives and new beginnings. A wise man once said:

Keep your head up and keep fighting. There is always light at the end of the tunnel and your struggles will make you better in the end.

Lemons make lemonade, the glass is half full not half empty and there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Soon you will come to realize this for yourself.

You will do so much good in the world. You may be a little caterpillar now, but one day you will break through the chrysalis of pain and become one of greatest butterflies ever known to the world.

You light up the dark and fill the world, my world, with your hope, love, and innocence. For now you are untaught and unknowing of the world's cruelty and that is why we love you; why I love you.

One day, my little angel, you will be unleashed on the world and bring about so much light and goodness. One day you will be magnificent. Until that day arrives, I will keep the hatred away from you, and protect you. I promise you this with all my heart.

The Centre

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