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When Rosemary woke up, Dick was gone, but then she remembered the camera crew and quickly got dressed in a black Imagine Dragons t-shirt, jeans, and black combat boots and threw her hair into braids. She walked down stair to the dining room and saw the family.
" Good morning Miss Rosemary." Alfred said.
" Good morning Alfred, what is for breakfast?" She asked.
" French toast with bacon, eggs, and orange juice." He replied.
" Okay, now that everyone is here, the news crew should be here any minute now, they will be here for the charity ball. Sadly, they also are now staying Day and night, so at night Rosemary will distract them with Dick." Bruce said.
Soon after, the doorbell rang and Alfred brought a reporter and a camera person into the room.
" Hi, I am Carla from channel 27, I will be with you guys for a week, so just do everything you normally would do." The reporter said.
" Rosemary, can you give them a tour?" Bruce asked.
She nodded her head yes and then told Carla to follow her.
" So, Rosemary, you are the new ward of Bruce Wayne, what's your story?" Carla asked.
" I am just a homeless girl from Georgia who's parents are dead. They went on a weekend trip to Georgia and needed help and I helped them." Rosemary replied.
" So, How is it like living in a big place?" Carla asked.
" I get lost some times, I made a map to help find my way around. I still use it when I am in a hurry and take a wrong turn." Rosemary said. " I sometimes miss my small living spaces, but anyway, on with the tour, right there is the library, over there is the movie room, the bedrooms, there is a bathroom, a broom closet, gym, random rooms I have yet to look in, the hall of art, lounge, guest bedrooms, storage, another broom closet, another bathroom, music room, art room, second library, banquet hall, ballroom, and second theater room."
" That's a lot of rooms. Were is every one?"
" Probably in there rooms, Bruce probably left for work and won't be back for a while, we are on  break. I can show you witch room is whose though. The first one is Bruce's, we won't go in there, across from that is Alfred's let's not disturb him, he needs a break, next to Alfred's is Jason's we will go in there in a second, across from him is Tim's, then Daimians, then Dick's, then mine. I will show you mine first. Just don't touch my books or the trunk by the window." Rosemary said.
They went in and saw a blue room with large book shelves and star charts, technology, stuffed animals, a desk, a walk in closet, full bathroom, few photos of places in Georgia, black nail polish, black bedding, music player, and a small stack of cds.
" Nice room, dark and girly at the same time, a good combination." Carla said.
" Thanks, feel free to come by here any time you need something, just knock if the door is closed first. Off to Jason's." Rosemary said.
They went down the hall and saw Jason on his bed listening to music while reading. They thought it was best to come by later. They went to Damian's room and found him drawing and he told them to leave. They went to Dick's room. He was doing flips of the walls and was board so let them in.
" Hi Rose, hi tv people who do a segment on is every time a new person shows up." Dick said.
" So, Dick, want to help me bake some cookies?"

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