f o u r

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winkboy: can i copy your homework

ychnm_0799: you never fuck off do you

winkboy: idgaf now give me ur answers

ychnm_99: no.

winkboy: you know, for the director's daughter you're really mean

ychnm_0799: you know, for a fuckboy that has 150+ girls lining up you sure are desperate to talk to me.

winkboy: i don't have 150+ girls lining up tho

ychnm_0799: i didn't ask for your opinion so take ur thirsty fuckboy dick to bitna's vagina or smth

winkboy: wow you're really straightforward and rude.

winkboy: the only time i saw you was you helping guanlin with his english and you eating with lee daehwi

ychnm_0799: the only time i saw you was last week where u were devouring a junior and it seems like you were going to have closet sex with her.

ychnm_0799: you're lucky that i didn't report your crusty ass or else you would've been fucking girls in the street.

winkboy: awww you sure love me do you?

ychnm_0799: as if.

ychnm_0799: the only reason why i didn't report you was bcs somi stopped me.

ychnm_0799: the thought of it makes me wanna do things to you

winkboy: things like what bbygirl ;)

ychnm_0799: things like twisting your ankle and shoving your head down ur ass but it seems like its already in there so its no longer my problem.

winkboy: what did i ever do to you

ychnm_0799: why won't you re-think your life you little dry sock.


there's a reason why chanmi is vvvvv mean to jihoon here.

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