f o u r t e e n

186 13 4

saved in my heart❣
[winkboy, ysgd, guacamole, seoulite]

seoulite: how was ur date?

winkboy: horrible. i think she hates me now.

guacamole: when did she never hate u tho

ysgd: ^

seoulite: what did you do?!

winkboy: i stood her up bcs bitna and i..

guacamole: ok! hahaha, let's not talk about that.

winkboy: yeah..


seoulite: the question is, where's chan mi?

seoulite: is she okay? did you try calling her?

winkboy: i think she blocked me.

ysgd: oh no.

ysgd: seonho just texted saying that she didn't attend hyeri's death anniversary yesterday. then she came home looking all gloomy.

ysgd: he's asking if any of us knows about this.

ysgd: do i just lie to him or??

guacamole: TELL HIM THE TRUTH!!

seoulite: just ignore him!

winkboy: wth i'm so scared.

winkboy: i rmb this time where some creep from school kept on following chan mi, until seonho beat him to a pulp!

winkboy: i don't even wanna know where he is.

seoulite: dw, we'll talk about this tomorrow in starbucks.

winkboy: starbucks is suddenly not my favorite place.

seoulite: bitch u better go.

winkboy: fine.

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