>Talk to Xefros

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Xefros is crying, and you are right there with him. He is hesitant to talk about what happened, but he obviously needs to tell someone.

"Xefros, you need to talk to somebody about this. You said you broke up with your moirail. That can be rough, you need to talk about it!' You are begging him. You were curious at first, but now you just want to help him feel better.

"Well..." Xefros hesitated, but it was obvious he needed to talk about it. "Someone I had recently met was telling me that it was an abusive relationship. Now, I have never really had quadrant experience, so I didn't know what to expect. I thought Dammek borrowing my stuff was normal... Like he was keeping it so I didn't rely on it. Apparently that wasn't the case." He is almost in tears talking about it.

You know these situations are hard, but something here doesn't add up. Yeah, it sounds like an abusive relationship, but who was that other person, and why were they so intent on this? Most bad Moirail pairs break up, so this shouldn't have been something to force on Xefros.

"Xefros, you did the right thing. It honestly sounds like this Dammek guy is just a big asshole." You speak up about it. "It wasn't right. You made it right by breaking off." You can see he is still about to cry, but it looked almost happy rather than sad.

"Thank you for talking to me. Just... now that I've been cut off from my only relationship, I just need someone to talk to..." As he is saying this, you partially tune out and start writing your Trollian handle on a scrap piece of paper.

"I just don't get why he woul-"

You hand him your Trollian tag. "I need to go, I am sorry. But troll me on here in a little bit. I liek you, and you need to have a friend now more than ever.

Xefros looks suprised at your sudden gesture. "Well... thank you I guess... This really did help me, I'll talk to you later then..." His voice starts to trail off as you both stand up. There is a moment that feels like it should be filled with something. More talking, a pat on the back, a hug even, something.

But it's just silence as you two look at each other.

"...Thank you, [NAME]..." he finally says before going back into his hive. You stand there, wondering what just happened. You think you're friends with him now?

You want to talk to him again.

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