1: Beginning

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"I'm sorry, I really am. I just don't feel sparks anymore. I don't like you anymore."

After a sigh, I sent it to Jason and waited for his reply while fidgeting on our sofa.

Hell, I know those words were painful but I am not really that sure. If I were to choose, I'd pick sooner than later. I don't want to be with someone who doesn't know how to get weird, who doesn't want to be weird, who treats me as if I am too innocent. It is better to tell that certain someone (the soonest) that you just can't feel the butterflies anymore. (I talked to love experts about this).

I mean, I was just not that into him, to be honest. Plus, we were only until the texts and online communication but when it came to personal talking, the two of us just blanks out and complete awkwardness fills the spaces between us.

And another big plus, I am not allowed to go through relationships #strictparents (is real). I, myself, didn't think I was ready as well. I was just 14 years old, indecisive, dumb and young, right? Yea, he was my ideal guy, physically: perfectly shaped nose, taller than me, kind of pale, and he has Asian eyes that disappears as soon as a smile forms on his lips. But the physical is not what people are going for, it's the unforgettable talks, moments and laughs you've shared.

"Yea, I kind of felt that. You were always busy these past few days, when in fact it's summer."

Was his reply.

Oh so he felt all of my ways to ignore his texts. I almost cleaned our house twice this summer just to ignore his texts. It was the summer before 9th grade and I am so excited to face it! I can't wait to see the list of classmates I have and I pray to God we won't be classmates with Jason.

"Oh. Anyway, I hope we can still be friends?"

"I think that would be awkward, Miles. Why don't we just stop talking for a while?"

"Oh okay. Take care!"

Annnnnd, that was it. No more texts to read every time I wake up, no more texts to reply to everyday. "TEXTS". Did I even mention talking to him? Yea, no.

-next day-

I'll soon get used to the fact that Jason wouldn't text me anymore, right? I mean, pull yourself together Miles, he is just a boy, don't get all clingy and needy pfft.

I was sitting on my bed, trying to stop my head from daydreaming then my phone beeps:


"Hi Miles, can't I do anything about it? Please give me a chance?"

Yes, he was sweet, that's a fact. Last Valentine's Day, he serenaded me and gave me flowers. It made me smile the whole day like an idiot and up until now that I remembered it, it still makes my lips form a wide smile. I don't know what was wrong with me, all I know is that I don't want anything more from him than his friendship as of the moment. I also want to feel that this is not really the end of it, that maybe, through time, I can understand him and his ways.

"Sure you can, I'd let you Jason."

That was all I said.

"Really Miles?"

Is he mad or something? I don't know how to respond. I need my magic 8 ball right now.

My phone beeped again.

"So, can I take you out on a date?"

Uhhhhhhhh, I can't reply to that without thinking this through. Sure, I wanted to go to know him more but what would I tell my parents? It's summer, I can't go out without their permission and what would happen during the "date"? I. AM. FREAKING. OUT. Isn't this what I wanted? Personal interactions. But, why do I feel like am I backing down?

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