The Beginning

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*Authors Note* Just so no one is confused by the first few lines of this chapter after reading the first chapter, This chapter starts her story from the beginning so you can understand how she got to that point in the first chapter. (hope that makes sense lol) A shoutout to Topless_Robots for giving me feedback on my first chapter and encouraging me to continue writing! Also I tried to make this chapter as interesting as possible but its her good side so bear with me I promise it'll get better as it goes!

I’m a good girl. I don’t drink, smoke or do drugs. I don’t steal or cheat. I’ve never had sex. I’ve never had a boyfriend or even kissed a boy. I go to church with my parents every Sunday and I’m always home by nine even though my curfew is ten, that’s just too late to be out. I don’t go to parties. I always do all my chores and follow all instructions I’m given. I am a good girl. At least I was until… these last few months happened.

Here I am sitting in church next to my parents while our pastor preaches on about…. Well I don’t really know what about because something, or rather someone else has my attention. Ben Hayes. The hottest guy in this church with his sandy brown hair, smooth tan skin, plump lips, and green eyes that you could just drown in. His family always sits in the same spot, second pew from the front on the right side and my family, we rotate seats but from where I am today I have a perfect view of him and all I can think of is having those strong looking hands pulling me to him wrapping around my waist and those perfect lips pressing against mine sending shockwaves through me and-- suddenly my thoughts are interrupted by everyone getting up. Church is over and I heard none of the service. I feel absolutely terrible for having those thoughts in the house of God, much less for thinking them period. I reach down to grab my bag and when I look up Ben is standing right there. I stand up to greet him, my parents have already disappeared to mingle it seems.

“How’d you enjoy the service?” His hands are in his pockets and he looks absolutely gorgeous in his black suit with a green tie that brings out his sea green eyes perfectly.

“It was uh… something.” I said smiling. “What about you?”

“I kinda zoned out to be honest.” He leaned in and whispered and I giggled.

“Yea me too actually I felt bad a little.” I breathed.

“Don’t, it happens to the best of us. What were you thinking about?” He asks his eyes narrowing in on me waiting for an answer. I can feel my eyes bulge and my cheeks getting hot. I’m a horrible liar and I can’t just be like oh I was thinking about how green your eyes are, soft your skin is and what your lips would feel like on mine. He’s looking at me waiting expectantly.

“I uh… school… was thinking about school. Wh- what about you?” I ask hoping he won’t notice my nervousness. He looks at me funny but continues talking anyway.

“I was thinking about my baseball game on Thursday there’s a scout coming out that I’m hoping to impress.”

Did I mention he plays baseball and has an athletic build from that and going to the gym. His mom came up and tapped him on the shoulder.

“Ben sorry to interrupt but there’s someone I’d like you to meet.” She says as she nods to me quickly and smiles. I flash her a smile back.

“You should come to my game on Thursday.” He says. “It’d be nice having you there.”

I smile as my heart flutters. He wants me at his game!

“Ok. I’ll be there.”

He smiles and starts to walk away but then quickly turns around and adds

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