Part 15- yes

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Gerard smiled and I could tell he blushed he quickly looked down and shook his head.
'It's okay Mrs (Y/LN) we're still young.' He half shouted to her I started to laugh but she just gave the death stare.
'Anyway, I'll see you later BYE!' I slam the door and jump down the steps Gee close behind I turn to him and he grabs my hand. I look at him with love and affection. I heart melts at the sight of him.
'I know.' Out of the blue he mutters and turns to me.
'What do you know?' I said confused
'I know, I'm adorable as fuck.' I laugh at his comment and rest my head on his shoulder.
I wonder where we are actually going and decide to question it.
'Yep.' Popping the 'P'
'Where are we actually going?' Laughing in the middle of the sentence.
'Wanna go to mine? My room is now the basement, mikey really wanted my room. we just put in the TV last night?' I really did wanna go, the thought of cuddling and just watching Dan and Phil videos all day really did sound amazing.
'Yeah sure.'
~a time skip presented to you by the reminder that the Milk Fic exists.~
We reached his house and he let go of my hand to get his keys so we can actually get inside. When he let go it felt like something was missing and the happiness nervous feeling left my stomach. Once we got inside Gerard shouted to see if anyone was home.
'Mikey!? Mum!?' No response.
'They might of gone shopping?' I suggested. He shrugged.
'Maybe, Anyway wanna watch a film?' Gee asked as we walked down the steps to his bedroom. He had only been there a night but apparently while I slept last night he was putting all his posters and drawings up.
'Which one do you wanna watch?' He yawned mid way and I giggled at his cuteness. I didn't really watch films very often so I wanted to see if he would watch a show instead.
'Can we watch a show instead I'm not a big film person?'
'Yeah sure, what did you have in mind?'
'Rick and Morty?'
'I love you.'
(Ugh finally geesus)
She. Wanted. To. Watch. Rick. And.
Morty. I put the show on whilst celebrating and crying in my head. I noticed her phone was blowing up with messages.
'(Y/N) your phone is like fucking up.' As I laugh at my own joke I look at her phone as I pass it to her it was a bunch of birthday wishes.
It was her birthday.
Oh hey did I take my 5 hours to write this? Yes. I'm sorry. It's been a shitty shitty night. Anyway this message is meaning a lot to me right now
Stay alive |-/

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