Camps, wattpad and hiatuses.

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So this summer I'll be going to two camps, have a piano recital, two graduations, three birthdays*, trying to get my drivers license and all the stuff that requires, a month worth of lunch with friends, and possibly a youth retreat, plus, I might have a summer job.

*My friend's, Mine, and my sister's.

So if I don't post a lot between now and the middle of July it's not because I'm lazy. It's because I'm busy.

So I'll be gone June 8-12 or 13. Idk if we'll leave that night or the next morning. May get on but it'll be very little because, 1) I don't have a phone with Internet. 2) It's in the mountain and you can't get a signal to save your life.

June 31-July 4. Then after that I'll probably celebrate the 4th with my family which I haven't got to do for five years. I most def won't be on during this(unless it's during the trip there or back). You're not allowed phones at this camp.


So yeah. I'll do a post again closer to the dates. I just wanted to give you guys a heads up before hand.


~Gabbi <3

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