12: Castiel ✔️

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After Bella and I took a shower we headed downstairs towards the living room where the boys were waiting, and yes I said Bella. While we were bonding we decided to try to work out some nicknames for each other, from now on Isabella is no longer Isabella but Bella, and she decided to call me Tee, weird I know. 

We were both in our pajamas that consisted in shorts and a t shirt since it was still hot at night. Mine was dark blue with a space pun and a space theme with planets and stars and all that kinda of stuff, it's a really comfortable set and it's doesn't reveal too much. Isabella's consisted of a light pink shirt saying " I love naps" and a pair of dark grey shorts with little white hearts on it.

When we arrived to the living room the boys were all sitting on the big dark couch looking around and lost. I wanted to laugh at their expressions but I kept it for myself. I looked at Bella and noticed that she was also containing her laugh. Me and Isabella have been bonding a lot lately and it feels great to have a girl friend, you can literally talk about everything! I smiled at them.

 "Come on , I'll show you your rooms, bring your bags!" They all followed my instructions, William went immediately towards Isabella to pull her towards a hug and kissed a forehead. Aw! Bella told me that they have been dating for 6 years now, it was love at first sight and they were going still strong after so many years. I'd love to have something like that in the future too.

My eyes darted towards Jason who was talking with Axel about something that I don't understand. Their rooms were all next to each others and they all started unpacking their stuff, Isabella stayed back to have some alone time with William while I moved towards the kitchen to talk with Maria.

 "Maria." I whined. I wrapped my arms around her small figure and rested my head on top of hers while she was cleaning the balcony. She smiled, her eyes full of amusement. 

"Castiel." She mocked back with a whiny tone. 

"What's for dinner? Do you need help?" I asked trying to peak over her shoulder.

 "It's lasagna, both vegetarian and with meat, I didn't know which one they would prefer. I also made some homemade pizza and brown rice with mushrooms. And for the last time Miss Jones, I'm not that old, I don't need your help yet, this is my job and I love it." She started rambling. I held my arms up in defense and she smirked.

 "Now shoo! Out of my kitchen, go enjoy your time with that boyfriend of yours...how is his name? Jackson? Jason?" She smirked evilly I blushed embarrassed.

 "He's not my boyfriend!" I argued back.

 "Yet."  Was her reply. 

This woman is pure evil. I eventually returned to the living room. The boys were all with sweatpants and tshirts that looked quite comfortable. 

"So what do you guys wanna do now?" I asked. "We can start our movie marathon?" Eli suggested. Everyone agreed. "Horror movie?" Ethan asked with a small smirk. Isabella shivered and William kissed the top of her head in a comforting way. Double Aw!

I looked at Ethan who was clearly enjoying making Bella nervous. "Let's save those for later... more deeper into the night." I smirked back at Ethan, who was smirking even more right now. We were both smirking at each other like psychopaths.

Jason started coughing and glaring at Ethan, causing everyone to look at him. "Sorry got something stuck in my throat, how about Suicide Squad? I've never watched it before but I think it goes with everyone's taste?" He suggested.

 "Good idea!" I smiled at him. He smiled back. Oh my he has dimples! Everyone sat down and got comfortable. I sat between one of the couch's arm and Isabella, then I clicked on a button that makes the giant screen rise from the dark wood support, and clicked another button that turned off the living room's lights, earning a wave of 'cool' comments. Let the marathon begin.


Later at night, near dinner time the movie paused and an image of the communication camera in the kitchen appeared. A smiling Maria was showed in the screen. "Dinner is ready kids. " She stated.

 "Ok, we are will be at the dining room in a second, thank you Maria." She nodded and smiled before turning around and freezing before entering in a phase of trance, then the camera turned off. 

"Okay..." I mumbled for myself. Maria is a fairy godmother, but she already lost most of her powers, she is almost human, but she can still communicate with her superiors through mind-link which might explain the sudden lack of movements. We arrived to the dining room where all the food was set on the big table, along side with some drinks.

 "Dig in!" I said cheerfully. Everyone started chatting and eating, the table, for the first time in years, seemed alive. I smiled lovingly at the people around me. My friends. Then Maria popped up.

 She looked pale and she was almost shaking. "Maria what happened?" I asked concerned and getting up to reach her. Everybody stopped talking, their attention now focused on the current intervention. 

"M-Master called." I rose an eyebrow and giggled at her stuttering. Maria seemed to relax a bit. Everyone looked at me like I was a mad girl or something for giggling at the frightened petite woman. 

"Maria, come on, He's not that scary!" She glared me. 

"You are the His daughter, of course He doesn't scare you! I'm sure only you, Madame Charmeine and your brother are not afraid of Him!" She said fake shivering. I shook my head amused. 

"Master wishes to speak with you Castiel." I nodded smiling, patting her head in mockery. 

"Oh my little Maria, always afraid of the big boss!" I teased her.

 She playfully hit my arm while scowling. "Oh you shush! Now aller, go talk to Him!" I laughed grabbing a few chips that set in a bowl on the table and went to the office opening the secret portal. As cliche as it seems the portal was indeed inside a closet. After a few seconds I found myself with glowing eyes in the Underworld. I looked down, yes still same old white vest.

Entering the castle and running towards the throne room I smiled when I saw both my parents gushing about something. I grinned like a maniac while clearing my throat. "Wanted to talk with me Father?" My Father looked at me and grinned his eyes twinkling red.

As you can guess by now, I'm Lucifer's little girl.

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