32: Castiel ✔️

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"I hate that I saw you again last night

You were with somebody and so was I

Met you in the bathroom at 12:05"

- Machine Gun Kelly in 'why are you here'

I'm an idiot.

There's no other way to describe myself and my actions. Why did I visit him? I'm a masochist, I must be, there's no other explanation. My legs simply moved and my wings flew me back to where my friends were staying and there he was, standing by the window when he should be sleeping. I only meant to check up on everyone one last time before I left for good, I know that they would be okay since Axel has the spells book now but a perpetual ache was stinging my chest pulling me towards Jason's room, one thing led to another and we exchanged glances, we looked at each other in the eyes and a void feeling scratched my insides, guilt. Before I reminded myself what I was supposed to be doing, and left.

That was 3 days ago.

Right now I'm in a small town named Gerifell, staying at a local hotel with the perfect view for the police department. After two days in the wild searching for information I came to know that Nero's mate is Samuel Anderson, an afro-american police officer with a perfect record and loved citizen. So while I'm sitting on a chair in front of my window waiting for Sam to clock out of his job, I'm rethinking my life decisions, more specifically my love life, my currently failing love life. Sometimes I wish things were easier, if I was just a simple humble human with a normal family and friends and living an honest life, no secrets, no responsibility, no problems, just live my life with my loved ones without having to watch my back 24/7.

"What's with the frown baby angel?" I heard a deep voice behind me.


Jason used to call me angel. I had been a little apprehensive at the beginning but then grew to love the name.

"Not so much of a baby anymore though." The voice said again. I turned around and faced Uriel who was standing in the middle of the room, a water bottle in His right hand while it's cap rested on the left, His dark skin seemed to glow in the dimly lit room, His pearly whites showing in a small contagious smile. Uriel is really nice and easy to get along with, Michael who was just here a few seconds ago, not so much. Michael is more serious and focused and can sometimes come off as cold and rude for being so straightforward, but He was an incredible archangel, very responsible, trustworthy and loyal. Despite His cold demeanor He still was worried about me because of the whole situation when He greeted me on the first night of the mission, He and Nero were close, more than Michael and I, so I know for a fact that He is hurting on the inside too, so when I opened my arms inviting Him into a hug, He didn't reject me. And from his tone, I have a feeling that my experience with Uriel won't be much different.

"Where's Michael?" I asked after watching Him chug down the whole water bottle down in one go. "That's how you greet your cousin? Damn I feel a little rejected." He avoided my question with a teasing expression. I rolled my eyes at Him before getting up and hugging His enormous figure. I barely reached his chest. The thing about archangels is that They are stupidly tall, like 6'9 or 7 feet tall. He could literally squish me out in a second with his thumb. "Shut up dummy and answer my question." I muffled into his white shirt. He chuckled in response before pulling away. "His shift ended, mine just started, Raphael is next and then Gabriel." He finally killed my curiosity. I nodded back before returning to my chair that was still facing the window.

After a few moments of silence He finally moved from his spot towards the window, resting a hand in my left shoulder. "How are you feeling Castiel?" He asked gently. I kept my eyes on the building in front of me trying to ignore the stinging behind my orbs. "I've had better days." I said with a small voice while shrugging helplessly. "I just feel like everything is falling apart. First random attacks started happening. Then Nero betrays us and joins Clarence, forcing me to deal and accept Virtutem Ignis all by myself, I was unconscious for days Uriel. Now my Father sends me down on this crazy mission and forces me to break up with my mate, a mate that doesn't even know who I truly am, what's next? A freaking war?" Uriel looks at me with sadness. "I'm so sorry little angel. You don't deserve any of this pain." I shrugged again, I've been doing that a lot recently. "It's not your fault." I replied quietly. "Well I don't want to be a pessimist or anything but you might be right about a war occurring, and you know why." He said back with a grimace. I laughed bitterly while shaking my head. "No, not on my watch." I spitted out venomously. I could feel His gaze burning the left side of my face but before He could mutter a single word I stood up and grabbed my coat. Sam just opened the main exit door.

"Come on, Nero's mate is here, we need to talk with him." I rushed Uriel and then we were both out the door.

Since the police building was just next to the hotel we found him rather quickly, and just in time before he opened the door of his car. I shouted a loud "Hey!" gaining his attention.

I have to give it to my brother, Samuel is a fine man. He's rather tall and, most likely due to his job, very well sculpted. His black curly hair sat proudly on top of his head and his hazel eyes were very enticing. Breaking from my thoughts I rushed closer to him. "Hey! Are you Samuel Anderson?" I asked as if I wasn't 100% sure that he was in fact the person that I was looking for.

"Yeah, what can I help you Miss...?" His deep voice replied back while trying to get a hang of my name.

"Castiel. I'm Castiel. You must know my brother, Nero?" I asked while taking a step closer towards him.

He however, didn't like my answer very much. His eyes widened before he took several steps back.

"Listen lady I've got to go." He said in a rush while trying to find his car keys, his footsteps still moving backwards.

"What do you know about Nero?" I questioned him again. I noticed that he was fumbling with his pockets, hands still searching for the thick metal and plastic piece that would open his vehicle, getting tired of this little game I quickly showed him his car keys dingling from my right hand in front of his face. "Looking for this?" I replied teasing. He turned around and broke into a sprint while I watched him from afar very amused. It was just a matter of seconds until Uriel got him.

I was walking slowly, step by step watching as he ran away until he suddenly crashed into an invisible wall, who then revealed to be my cousin archangel. Sam was laying on the ground, face up, both his arms supporting him up as he stared at Uriel in astonishment, as I arrived the scene his head snapped in my direction, following each and every of my movements until I was standing next to Uriel who looked equally amused.

"So where were we?" I asked while crouching in front of him so we were face to face.

And then he passed out. I looked back at him in shock.

"Well, I wasn't expecting that." Uriel says while barking a loud laugh. "Look at this! Lately everyone has been passing out on me, it's not even funny anymore." I grumbled unamused.

"With a powerful aura as yours was just a second ago I'm not really surprised." Uriel replied shaking His head with a small smile, clearly finding the situation entertaining. I, on the other hand, was confused by His words. "What do you mean by that?" And then His face fell, He thought that I was aware of what was happening, His tone became serious as He answered my question.

"Castiel you were exuding an incredible dark aura, not even Lucifer has an aura as strong as yours was just now."

A/N: im going camping tomorrow and im lowkey dreading the nights that are meant to come because i have severe anxiety and usually have attacks during the night, especially if i'm not at home, but i have a few podcasts downloaded in case something goes wrong. Sorry just wanted to vent a little bit, i really want the next days to go by smoothly. Love you lots x

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