Chapter 10

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I slowly got out of bed due to the brace and cast I had to wear. The cast on my arm wasn't helping either. At this rate, I would never be able to get to work, since Yang had to drive me there when she would leave. At 8:30, I walked downstairs and saw Yang sitting on the couch. She had her phone in her hand and looked like a mess.

"Yang? What's the matter?"

"Blake is in the hospital."

"What happened?"

"Doctors don't know." She got up and walked towards the door, "I'll drop you off at work. Then I'll head over to the hospital to see if I can visit her."

"When you go, tell her I said to get well soon."

"I will."

We got into the car and headed out towards the company. When we arrived, Weiss was waiting outside. She came over and helped me out of the car.

"Thanks, Weiss."

"I'll always be here for you, Ruby."

I waved goodbye to Yang as she pulled out of the parking lot and back onto the road.

"Where's she headed off to?"

"Blake is in the hospital. Don't know what's wrong with her."

"That's terrible. I hope she's alright."

"I hope so too. Yang loves her dearly and it would be terrible to see them split. I think both of them don't want to see each other hurt by one another or by someone else."

I headed down to the basement when we walked in. I checked on the production of the car, which was ready to be released.

"Velvet, want to drive over to the dealers and tell them they're ready?"

"Sure thing."

Velvet left and I had gathered some of the others.

"Nora, I need you to get everything ready when we have the orders coming in. Make sure all the cars have been through saftey test runs. Ren, can you help her with that?"

"Sure," said Ren.

"This is going to be fun!" Nora said.

"Jaune, you and Pyrrha can get the cars ready for shipment."

"Got it," they both said.

"Alright everyone! We're finally going to get the car out! I think we should celebrate!"

~Yang's POV~

I was walking from the parking lot towards the hospital. When I walked in, there was a man in a black coat, red hair, bull horns, and a bright rose on the back of his coat.

"I need to see her."

"But, sir, she doesn't want too many visitors at the moment."

"Who else is visiting her?"

"Her family and her girlfriend should be coming soon."

"Girlfriend? I never knew my darling was gay."

"Bi," I said.

"What?" he asked, turning around.

"She's bi."

"And who the fuck are you?"

I just noticed his face was masked, which was probably the reason why the nurse didn't allow him back there.

"I would be Blake's girlfriend."

He snorted out a laugh, "My darling would want nothing to do with human filth."

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