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Friday 14th November

Eventually, I made the decision of going to the school football game after all - even if I would freeze to death in the typical British winter weather. Actually, I'm pretty sure it'll snow soon - it's already really frosty and icy.

However, I wasn't at the football game for Harvey, I'm actually here for my brother - Zack. Usually I don't see him often, but I decided I'd pay him a visit.

Zack, Josh, Jack, Andy, Mikey, Rye, Charlie, Sean, Liam, Gabe and Harvey all ran around the green playing field, each of them in their black and white football kit - our school colours - the other team wearing yellow and blue.

Brooklyn and I sat huddled together on a bench on the front row, like penguins, watching the boys sprint up and down the pitch. Each time Harvey ran past us, he gave me a wave or winked at me - making me feel all fuzzy inside. Honestly, I don't even know why he makes me feel like this - he's such an idiot.

Around thirty minutes later, their game ended and we could eventually get out of the freezing cold. Standing in the entrance to our school, waiting for the boys to get changed, Brooklyn and I sunk into the comfy sofas - playing on our phones.

Walking down the road, towards an American Diner where I used to go all the time with Zack, my mum and dad, we decided we'd get some food - it was my brothers idea.

The three of us, Brooklyn, Zack and I, piled into a booth. The two boys sat next to each other, with me opposite.

Looking around, the diner hadn't changed one bit. The walls were painted a white colour, which was a bit dirty now, blue and red LED lights were around the top of the walls, the chairs were the same red, leather cushion material - along with the same metal tables and counter top.

I've had so many memories here. I remember when it was mine and Zack's birthday, my mum and dad planned a party for us here. They had a birthday cake covered in Disney characters specially made for the pair of us - since it was our tenth birthday - and all of the waiters and waitresses sang happy birthday to us ; it had to be the best birthday I'd ever had... our last birthday as a whole family...

"What's wrong, Summer?" Brooklyn asked, as I realised a tear or two had ran down my face.

Wiping away my tears, I replied: "oh, nothing. I was just thinking about the birthday party we had here - when I was ten."

Zack grabbed my hand from the other side of the table, trying to comfort me, "We'll make sure you have the best sixteenth birthday, don't worry...."

Brooklyn and Zack had a conversation between themselves as I sat scrolling through my social media's, not really paying much attention.

Eventually, our orders came. Brook and Zack got cheese burgers each with a milkshake, and I got hot chocolate with whipped cream, marshmallows and grated chocolate on top.

Minding our own business, eating and drinking our orders, suddenly the diner erupted into laughing and yelling as a group of rowdy teenagers made their way inside. Quickly glancing at them, I immediately laid my eyes on Harvey Cantwell. Already looking at me, he smirked and sat in the booth opposite us with Andy, Rye, Jack and Rebecca.

Rebecca is like Harvey's new play toy, they're always together but they're not in an 'official' relationship - which isn't surprising since it's Harvey after all. I'd give it another week before he gets bored of her then moves onto the next person - I don't know how these girls don't realise what he's doing.

However, when Harvey has no girls who are interested in him, he always ends up back with Rebecca - it's usually only a matter of days before she gets too annoying for him, but recently, they've been together everyday for almost a week or so now. I don't understand how she actually thinks Harvey likes her and somehow convinces herself that he isn't using her, they're literally on and off like a light switch.... one that isn't technically 'official' like ever.

Stealing a few fries from Brooklyn's plate, I asked the boys: "so, what are we  going to do for my Birthday? It's next month."

"I actually have no idea..." they both answered simultaneously.

"We could go to my apartment?" I suggested, causing Zack's face to run pale, "don't worry, dads at work."

"Sure. Let's get party planning!" He yelled, a bit too excitedly, drawing attention to us.

Making my way to the counter to pay for our food, I pulled my phone from my back pocket, seeing a text message from my dad.

Dad/ I won't be home tomorrow. I'll make it up to you. Sorry x

My dad and I were supposed to spend some time together tomorrow since he had a day off work, but clearly he has more important things to do instead. He always does this, I don't really expect to see him much anymore anyway - he always bails on me for everything.

Sighing, I locked my phone and shoved it back in my pocket. "I guess you didn't like that message?" Someone asked me, scaring the life out of me.

"Oh, it's nothing," I answered, giving the waitress the money for our meal. Turning to see who I was talking to, I saw Harvey stood next to me. Rolling my eyes, I walked away from him - only to be grabbed by the arm and turned around to face him again. "What do you want now?" I sighed, clearly not in the mood to talk to him.

"I couldn't help but overhear your conversation with Zack and Brooklyn, about your birthday party," he told me, as I gave him a confused look, he continued. "I want to help you... I have a few ideas in mind..."

"Like what?" I challenged, raising my eyebrows at the blonde boy.

"Let me come over and I'll help."

Suddenly, a girl caked in make up appeared by Harvey's side. Looking me up and down, she scoffed and rolled her eyes, putting an arm around the blonde boys waist. "Who's this you're talking to babe?" She asked him, playing with a piece of her hair. "Is she bothering you?"

"Becks, this is Summer," annoyance clear in his voice, he introduced me. "And no. She's not bothering me."

"If anything, he's bothering me," I muttered, hoping no one would hear - but of course, she heard.

"Sweetie... Harvey doesn't bother girls like you" she laughed, causing me to roll my eyes and Harvey to smirk at me. "Come on Harvey," she smiled, trying to drag him away - but he was having none of it.

"I'll come over in a minute Rebecca," he told her, causing her to roll her eyes and storm off in a huff - making sure each step was extra loud, making it know how annoyed she was.

"She annoys me so much," Harvey sighed, scratching the back of his neck.

"Then why are you with her?" I asked, confused.

"I'm not. She just follows me everywhere," he told me, looking behind him - as if he was checking she wasn't stood right next to us. "Anyway. Can I come long to help or not?"

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