Chapter 3

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   Chapter 3;
Mini 'Date'

Yoongi could feel his mind wander from Jimin, to Taehyung, and to the ring he saw silently sitting on his booksheld. He wanted to know why he had it and why he placed it there. It seemed very valuable and Taehyung should wear it. But why does he care? It's not his problem, so why should he bother? But everytime he thought about the ring and the youner, he couldn't help but feel someting tugging at his heart. He growled in annoyance and picked up his pencil, writing down meaningless song lyrics while he slightly listened to his music in a coffee shop. Yoongi would always come to this coffee shop to write song lyrics or to watch Jimin. But this time Jimin didn't come, so he just stuck to writing to song lyrics. He didn't mind writing song lyrics, he actually loved it. He found making songs very fun and enjoyable, he certaintly found it better than dancing. He was never really good at dancing like his friend Hoseok, and he could tell Taehyung wasn't either.

  Taehyung. The boys name stuck in his head like glue and he could feel a small smile tugging on his lips. He couldn't help but feel.. inflicted. He likes Jimin - maybe even loves him, so why does his mind always wonder to Taehyung? He growled in frustration and scribble out a song lyric and quickly slammed his head down onto the table making his coffee move around in his mug. He sighed and kept his head down, never lifting it back up. Not even when he heard someone sit down and take a seat infront of him without saying anything.

  "Hello Hyung," a deep yet energetic voice filled the silence, making Yoongi slowly lift his head up. Taehyung sat right in front of him, a small smile on his face. Yoongi noticed the small stack of papers in one hand and a tablet in the other. "You up for a small study date?" Yoongi didn't know why he nodded, but he did and he could see Taehyung's eyes light up. He set his stuff down onto the table, trying to use as little space as possible. He knew that Yoongi liked his personal space and he tried his best to give him it. And Yoongi could tell, and that made him smile. How thoughtful of the younger.

  "So, what are you working on Yoongi Hyung?" Taehyung spoke again, getting out his own pencil and started writing on the papers he brought.

  "Song lyrics, you?" Yoongi tried to hide his smile by taking a sip of his black coffee.

  "A book," Taehyung spoke, keeping his focus on the pencil and papers.  Yoongi was genually surprised, he thought he would be writing song lyrics or something entirely different. He never thought Taehyung was a book worm.

  "A book? I never knew you like to write,"

  "Theres a lot you don't know about me," when he said that, Yoongi felt a pang of... guilt shoot through his chest when he saw the small smile on his face. He's right; Yoongi knows nothing about Taehyung. Even though they go to the same dance studio and share the same friends, Yoongi never really cared to talk to Taehyung or even get to know the boy. There were a couple of times the two have spoken but Yoongi never really bothered to speak to the boy much. Yoongi can't help but to feel bad.

  "Well then, why don't you tell me about yourself? What I know is that Jimin is your best friend, and my soon to be lover, you are a very socialable person and we have the same friends." Yoongi smiled, somewhat proud at knowing at least some stuff about his fake boyfriend. His smile instantly went away when the boys head shot up. Although Taehyung was smiling, the sudden action made the older flinch a bit.

  "Well heres more information about me; my birthday is December 30, 1995. I love dogs and have a dog at my... moms, I love singing and dacing, even though I suck at it. I love taking photos and my favorite season is winter."

  "Winter? Why winter?"

  "I like the cold because it gives me an excuse to cuddle with people, even though I already cuddle my pillow at night," even though Taehyung was laughing at himself, Yoongi stifled a laugh, not really wanting to be rude. 

  Taehyung stared out the window next to the boys, watching as people with thick and long coats walked by, clearly wanting to get out of the cold. Yoongi took this moment to really get a good look at the boy. Yoongi saw his sharp jawline, his plump lips, his brown locks diving out in front of his doe eyes. And not to mention his adorable box smile.

  Thoughts crossed his mind but one stood out the most. He could feel his face flush when he heard and saw it.

  "Ah! Y-Yoongi.." it was Taehyung, underneath him. Sweat dripping down his body and hickeys all across his neck and collerbone, moaning his name.

  Yoongi didn't really care about what was happening. No, all he cared about is why wasn't it Jimin?

And why did he find it incredibly hot?

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