Chapter 18

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Chapter 18;


WARNING; THERE IS A IMPLIED RAPE SCENE. I will be telling you when it is going to start and when it ends.

"Get off of me! Let me go!"

"Ple-Please stop!"

"I don't want this-"

"Where are you..?"

"Hyung..? Where are you?"



[ a few hours earlier ]

Yoongi walked into the house while smiling widely, looking at all his old friends in the same house. He would nod in the direction of the people who acknowledged him and smiled at others. He felt his heart beat along with the music as he walked to the kitchen of the persons house to go grab a drink. He slid in through the doorway and past the couple eating each other's faces and to the island, grabbing a red cup and filling it with vodka. He felt the drink slide down his throat and felt his body relax a bit at the sensation. He looked around the kitchen and sighed when he didn't see his friends - who he came here with. He also didn't see Jimin, who he was dying to see tonight because he thought that tonight would be the best night to tell Jimin everything.

He smirked a bit when he caught sight of one of his friends and walked over to them, sipping his drink along the way. He gulped it down fast when he noticed that it was Jin and someone else.


He sighed aloud and that caught the attention of the two Kims. They turned around and he was greeted with a scowl and a small smile. He sent a small wave to the two and tried not to think about how fucking scarily sexy Taehyung looked at the moment. Black skinny jeans, a wine red crop top and to top it off; eyeliner. Which made him look even sexier. He gulped when he felt Jin's eyes burning into the side of his face. He took a swig of his vodka and looked into the younger's eyes.

"When did you get back? And I thought you were going to tell me!" Yoongi scolded him playfully, putting on his gummy smile. He knew Taehyung loved that smiled.

"I just got back; I wanted to surprise you at.. this person's house?" Taehyung smiled sheepishly, thanking the fact that it was too dark for anybody to notice his bright ass blush. Taehyung looked around not knowing anybody here. He doesn't even know the host of the party, he just heard that his Hyung was going to a party and that the rest of the group was going from Jin. And since his Hyung was going he decided to go too. And that's why Jin told him that Yoongi was going. Taehyung was never really a party person but when he figures out that someone he really loves, like Yoongi, is going, he'll obviously go.

"Anyway, have either of you seen Jimin? I'm going to tell him," Yoongi smiled brightly, never seeing the wall of hurt slowly being built up inside of Taehyung's eyes as he took a drink of his vodka.

"Yoongi, we fucking talked about th-" Jin was cut off by Taehyung.

"Upstairs with Jungkook, said he needed to talk to him." Taehyung said in a monotone voice, worrying Jin to no ends. He reached out and swung an arm around the younger's shoulders, bringing him closer. Taehyung didn't even spare a glance.

Yoongi didn't either, walking up the stairs without another word.


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