저녁노을 - 0 - Sunset

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저녁노을 - Sunset

O() - 박지윤 / O - Park Ji Yoon

O(오) - 박지윤 / O - Park Ji Yoon

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I looked at the waves.

The way they curled and whirled, the soft foam glittering in the evening sky.

I looked at the waves.

Their dance, so irregularly but still regular, the way they crashed into single stranded rocks. The way they demonstrated such force just to suddenly disappear into the light sand, sinking into it like it was their only intention all along.

I looked at the waves as they seemed to repeat the same procedure over and over again, but still never the same way twice.

And I continued watching the waves while the wind blew a few strands of my outgrown bangs into my eyes, where they continued to lightly shuffle. But I didn't let myself get bothered by it as I sunk deeper and deeper into the peaceful trance the sight before me created, my only movement being the light rising and falling of my chest as I slowly breathed in the cool, slightly salty tasting sea-air.

I closed my eyes for a moment before letting my right cheek snuggle deeper in the jacket sleeve of my thick, white coat that made me look like a walking marshmallow, that action making me lean more into the cold metal railings with sky blue paint chipping off, putting more weight on my arms folded on top of them.

The sight before me turned more and more spectacular with each passing second.

My glance had shifted to the sky, displaying itself in its most vibrant colors, changing every moment to show as much of its beauty as seemingly possible, almost like showing off what it had to offer to the world. But to me, it looked like a plea for attention. Always being ignored or taken for granted, most, I included, only appreciated it when showing such a unique display of gorgeousness.

I went back to observing the waves that looked even more mesmerizing reflecting the oranges and purples and pinks, painting the whole span of water up until the horizon, and maybe even further. But I didn't quite care about that, all my focus laid on what was in my immediate reach. I didn't even want to think about what was behind, too far away, in an impossible proximity. Maybe not so impossible anymore, now.

I stayed leaned against the railings until my legs started to ache from the weird position, shifting them slightly, my now numb hand tried grabbing the metal for a bit of support. I turned my head, lying my left cheek on my left arm to ease my slightly stiffening neck, cold skin meeting cold fabric.

A small sigh turned into a puff of white air before me, slightly tinted orange from the glowing sky with first twinkling stars trying to make their presence known on the darkening dome spanning over my head.

Once again, my eyes left the hypnotizing dance of the waves to now stare at the spot the sun used to emit last rays of warmth from before hiding behind the shining mirror of water, leaving behind a saturated pink and purple, the only memory of her once so radiant presence.

I don't how much time passed from when I first arrived at the beach, but eventually piano chords, accompanied by a melody I knew by heart, interrupted the serene atmosphere I lulled myself into. I dug my right hand into the pocket of my puffy jacket and fished out my smartphone blaring out the familiar tune. Glancing at the display I let out an exaggerated sigh and let my phone ring until a deep raspy voice started singing its first lines "I miss you-" and I picked it up with another small sigh.

"What?" My unenthusiastic voice sounded through the air. "Yeah." My head was still resting on my left arm, so I just left the device resting on my right ear. "I did it." My voice sounded far away, like the waves were carrying it into the depths of the ocean. I used my now free hand to scratch at a spot on my numb cheek for a second before letting it disappear into my warm pocket. "Dunno, found the cure to cancer? Discovered a way to live forever?" My voice would've sounded annoyed at any other occasion but I let nothing disrupt the calmness I gained while staring at the waves. Not yet.

"I bought the ticket, of course. One way." I still didn't move an inch, but listening to the other person made a small frown start to form on my face. "No, I did not think it through."

Another stronger gust blew more strands of hair in my face and this time I slightly puckered my lips and tried puffing the locks out of the way only to give up after a few tries. Without really listening anymore to what the person on the other line had to say I mumbled a small "Yeah, bye," and used my now warm hand to hang up and plunge the phone back into the pocket it came from.

I took another short glance at the horizon and sighed before reluctantly turning around.


{Started May, 2018}

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{Started May, 2018}

Coming Soon...
[this story is on hold and will continue at an indefinite time in the future]

btw, the lyrical I is female lol

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