Girlfriend Guru Part 4

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Castel shows up promptly at six. Because of his emanate arrival Joy was forced to actually shower and change her clothes, but she does feel better now--that nasty taste is finally out of her mouth now that she's brushed her teeth. When he knocks at the door her heart starts to pound in a way she absolutely hates. She smiles and greets him when she opens the door, but when he hugs her she doesn't react at first.

Having his arms around her causes her brain to lock up and she stands stiff in his hold for a brief moment as if she were stuck on buffer. But it's only a half a second before she wraps her arms around him--he notes the delayed reaction, but says nothing.

"So Smash Bros?" Castel asks after their embrace ends.

Joy glances at the door to the bedroom remembering Maggie is here--her belly tights in knots.

"Maybe later," she smiles brightly. "How about we go get some dinner I'm starving!"

He smiles and makes a mental note that she doesn't want to stay in the apartment for some reason. He thinks for a brief moment that they should invite Maggie, but the slight panicked look in her eyes makes him think better of it.

"Alright," he nods and tosses his duffel to the floor. "Let's go."

They climb into his truck and head down the road, in silence. Castel half-expects Joy to crank up the radio as soon as they get in the truck...but she just sits quietly in the passenger seat. In fact, she's staring. She's staring at the little pale yellow tree shaped air freshener. It used to smell like vanilla and she had hung it in his car years ago complaining of the "boy smell" being too overpowering. But now it lacks that sweet vanilla scent and is left there mainly as a decoration.

She smiles a little at the hulla girl sparkly sticker smacked on the center of the tree. She had slapped it on there several summers ago when she had run out of skin on her face for her stickers. She giggles to herself at the fact that even though this is his truck it's become their truck over the years. The stickers along the dashboard are hers, the glitter that covers the seats--to Castel's dismay--is her handy work, even the rainbow duck-taped sun visors are her doing.

Something pokes her side and she squeaks and jumps in her seat. She looks at Castel with wide eyes.

"What did you do that for?" She demands

He blinks at her and smirks a little, "I asked what you felt like eating."

"No you didn't," she shakes her head.

He laughs airily, "I did but you didn't answer. So I said your name and you still didn't respond, so I poked you to get your attention."

She blinks and stares at him, "Oh."

He chuckles, "So what do you want to eat?"

They sit across from each other at the booth. Her knees bounce under the table as she stares at him over her menu. She isn't in love with him, she's not. It's just weird. It was a fluke that she said his name. It doesn't mean anything. They're here this weekend to have fun. Fun! Good friendly fun! Like always, nothing why is her heart pounding in her ears? Her eyes glance to her pink watch. Ugh! It's only six fifteen!? No way!

He nudges her foot under the table causing her to jump and stare at him.

"What?" She squeaks out

He smiles and clears his throat, "What do you want to order?"


He nudges his head towards the left, her eyes travel up to the face of the waiter. When had he gotten there? Joy blinks at the man as she realizes she hasn't even looked over the menu at all! She's been too focused on Castel!

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