Duly Noted Part 2

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"Alright so how do you want to do this?" Haley sitting on the spinning stool, swinging her feet. "Oh! You could use your calligraphy pens!"

"Oooh yeah!" Joy pipes happily and grabs her pens from her homemade-clay-pen-holder.

She could write a cute little note in cursive and draw little hearts and then...wait. She puts the pens back in the holder.

"No, no can't hand write it," Joy pouts.

"Why not?" Haley asks.

"Cassie is like the genuine junior detective of junior detectives." She smirks, "Before he'd even believe someone sent him a love note he'd cross references it with something every woman in his life has given him."

"What could he possibly use?" Haley questions raising a brow.

Joy smiles, "Cassie is actually a really sentimental guy. Every card or letter he's ever gotten from me, our sisters, and his family he's kept."

Haley blinks, "Really?"

Joy nods, "Yup he's got them all in a little shoe box under his bed." She smiles more and says thoughtfully, "He even still has the letters I sent to him when he spent that summer at space camp."

Haley grins herself watching her sister disappear into her own thoughts about her friend. But they do have to get to work so...

"Hey Joy? Earth to Joy," Haley says nudging her sister with her foot.

Joy jumps out of her thoughts to look at Haley, "What?"

"We want to get this done, yes?" Haley smirks

Joy shakes her head and smiles, "Right right. What were we saying?"

"No hand written notes," Haley says.

Joy nods, "Right so...what else could we do?"

They're both quiet for a moment before Joy snaps her fingers.

"How about we cut out letters from magazines and glue them to some paper?" Joy smiles brightly. "No handwriting involved!"

"You mean like a ransom note?" Haley snorts a little, "Dear Cassie I've stolen your heart. If you ever want to see it alive again you must meet my demands, this Saturday Smittie's restaurant six o'clock. Bring flowers. Come alone." Haley says in ominous voice.

Joy giggles and shrugs, "Ok, ok not my best idea."

The two girls sigh and are quiet again.

Haley rolls her eyes and shrugs, "Why not send him an email? Or like a message on Facebook or something?"

Joy mulls the idea over, "How would our mystery girl get Cassie's information to do that though?"

Haley shrugs, "Maybe she's a friend of yours and you gave her Cassie's information."

Joy scrunches her nose up a little, "I would never do that without his say-so he knows that."

Haley shrugs, "How about we just type up a note then and give it to him the old fashion way."

Joy quirks a brow, "Which is?"

Haley smirks, "Cowardly slip it in his locker."

Joy snorts before laughing and nods, "Alright alright. So maybe our mystery girl really likes him, but she's too shy to be upfront with him?"

"Yeah!" Haley nods, "We could type up a really sweet note with like her information at the end. And then it'd be up to Castel to find her."

Joy sighs, "But she doesn't have any 'information' she's not real."

Haley waves her hand dismissively, "We'll take care of that. We can make up a fake email account, or Istagram, or something. Hey! And I know how to text someone anonymously so our mystery girl could even text him."

Joy smiles and shrugs, "Alright sounds good to me sista!"

"Let's do this!" Haley cheers as Joy pulls out her laptop.

"So what should we say?" Joy asks

"Well we want to make it clear she's into him, so maybe compliment something about him." Haley chews her bottom lip thinking, "Like I don't know...the way he dresses or his grades or something."

"No way, that won't get Castel." Joy says seriously.

"Really?" Haley asks

Joy nods, "Those are generic things that everyone always compliments. People will always compliment the way you dress, or how well you do in school, or how you drive, or simple things like that. The kind of stuff people usually use for small talk conversations. No, it needs to be something more about him. Something more personal that someone would have to take the time to notice. Like an eye-appealing feature that would immediately attract you to him."

Haley smiles a little at how serious her baby sister is speaking, "Alright well then what's great about Cassie. You know him best, what's his greatest feature?"

Joy pauses and bites her lip in concentration, humming a little while she thinks.

"His smile," she says thoughtfully. "Yeah his smile is always the first thing I notice when I see him." A little smile curls her lips as she pictures Castel's smile in her head. "His smile is so perfect, his teeth are so shiny and straight. And he always smile so big especially when he's talking about a new invention his trying to create or a new monster he's found to hunt down. Or even if he's making a goofy face, or when he's laughing hysterically. You can always tell how happy he is or how much fun he's having by the way he smiles." She giggles a little feeling a warm feeling grow in her belly at the thought of his beautiful grin. "He smile is just so amazing, it's a just a smile but it's such a huge part of him. It sparkles when he grins with his teeth, and it's so adorable when he smile with his mouth shut. If he's really excited about something it gets so big like when he was little. It kind of has this boyish charm to it. It's just so warm and friendly, genuine and inviting and really almost...heart stopping."

Joy blinks realizing she's been kind of rambling on about her best friend's smile. She glances at Haley who is smiling sweetly at her--Joy feels her cheeks heating up slightly.

She giggles airily, "Sorry."

Haley shakes her head, "No, no are you kidding? Joy that was perfect!"

Joy smiles, "You think so?"

Haley nods, "Definitely that's the feature you open with. His warm and friendly and heart stopping smile." She smiles herself, "Now let's pick a font and write this puppy!"

Joy giggles along with her sister excited to slip the love note into his locker. This will really get her Cassie back on the ol' confidence train for sure!

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