Duly Noted Part 3

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Joy bounces on the sidewalk waiting for Castel. A pink envelope closed with a heart sticker, sprayed with just a little bit of some old perfume that she doesn't wear anymore is tucked safely in her book bag. She bites her lip as she smiles, she's so excited to slip this confidence booster in his locker--heaven knows he needs it. She hears a door close and turns to see Castel walking out of his house, her smile falls when she sees him. He looks awful.

His hair looks a little messier than normal as it peaks out from under his gray hood. Dressed in an old t-shirt, ripped jeans, old gray NASA hoodie, and dark sunglasses he walks with his hands tucked in his pockets; hunched over almost looking as though he is physically trying to shrink. She has a feeling the sunglasses are being used to hide his red eyes from a night of humiliated sobbing--her Cassie really needs this boost and fast!

When he walks up he forces a small smile as he greets her, "Hey J-bird."

Her heart shatters at the brokenness in his voice.

"Morning Cassierole," she smiles and slips her arm to hook around his. "Let's go buddy."

He nods as they walk down the street. She knows better than to ask how he is, after the night he has had she knows he is not going to open up about it. He's purged and now he will never want to speak about it again...but she really wants to know.

"Sooooo...how's everything?" She asks as they walk.

"Fine," he says not looking at her.

She chews her bottom lip, "Cassie...I'm sorry about what happened yes--"

"Joy," he cuts her off gruffly. "Please I...I don't want to talk about it."

She nods and looks down for a moment, "I know everything is not fine C-bear."

He huffs and nods, "Yeah I know you know."

She looks at him, "I just want you to know I'm here for you Cassie."

"Yeah, yeah," he sighs.

"What's that supposed to mean?" She asks

Even behind the dark sunglasses she can see his eye roll, "Joy we're friends...it's kind of like a known fact we're there for each other. You don't need to say it." He sighs and mutters, "Not like you have a choice."

Joy stops dead halting both of them, "Excuse me?"

He looks at her and sighs, "Joy we've been friends since kindergarten, we've been friends for twelve years now and it's just like...I don't know." He rubs the back of his neck.

"Are you trying to say I don't have a choice in being your friend?" She asks breaking their linked arms.

He sighs, "Joy all I'm saying is after so many years of friendship it's just... hard to imagine you leaving me...even after I've messed up so much."

She blinks, "Cassie...do you think I want to leave you?"

He looks at her then down at the ground, "Well after everything that's happened...I know I would ditch me."

She sighs and shakes her head, "Cassie all that stuff isn't your fault and in no way makes me want to not be friends with you." She smiles a little, "So you embarrassed yourself a few times in front of people. So what?"

He looks up at her and she can see so much pain in his eyes--even behind the sunglasses. Her heart constricts.

"Cassie look you gotta forget about those guys at school. They're just jerks alright?" She shrugs, "And all those girls are just meaningless tramps. Honestly I think they're just stupid to treat you that way. You're an amazing guy and--"

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